Chapter Thirty-One

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Quick question:

How many of you would buy a book of mine if I were to publish one? Legitimately speaking.

Sorry for the filler chapter! I just gotta get through the boring stuff to get to the exciting stuff.

I'm in Watertown, New York for a few days so I'm trying to find time to write.

I love you guys so much (no creepsta) and thank you for putting up with my slow updates. I owe you guys my everything.

Hopefully I'll update soon! If I don't then I am sorry :$

- Corrina hasn't slept in 2 days

Niall's POV:

"It's a girl!" Alex and Ashton shouted in unison. Wait... Ashton?!

My smile fell as I looked back and forth between the smiling pair.

"Ashton?" I asked quickly and dumbly, looking at Alex.

I've read all the articles about these 2 dating. I seriously hope it's not true. Maybe Alex is still mad at me for leaving so she wanted to get even? Or maybe she just doesn't love me anymore?
I felt all colour drain from my face.

"The hell is he doing here?" I pointed to Ashton.

"I took her to the appointment today." Ashton smiled at Alex, draping an arm over her shoulder.

I had a mini spasm with my arms, as if I was attempting to punch Ashton but couldn't, so quickly withdrew. Liam moved from his spot on the leather couch here in our backstage area. He looked at the screen, then back at my pouting face, then back at the screen, then back at me. Liam laughed and pointed a finger in my face, shoving me off the chair and taking my seat.

Liam and I still haven't been getting along very well, but it's not as bad as when we first started this tour.

I watched from my spot on the floor as they had their conversation.

"Hi, Alex. How are you, love? Oh and hi, Ashton." Liam waved to Alex, making her smile.

"I'm great! We just got back from my doctors appointment." Alex smiled.

"You're like 4 months now, right?" Liam asked. Alex nodded her head. "You must have a bump by now, yeah?" Liam wiggled his eyebrows. Alex chuckled and stood up, lifting her shirt so her big belly was visible. My jaw dropped at how big she has gotten. Best thing I've seen in weeks.

"My god, you're so big!" Liam smiled happily. My baby, man... Mine.

"If I wasn't pregnant, I'd be slapping you right now." Alex chuckled, sitting down and groaning as she did. She rubbed her belly and smiled.

"Where's Niall?" She chuckled.

"On the floor. When are you going to tell us the sex?" Liam totally ignored that Alex wanted to talk to me. Jerk.

"Well I'm thinking of having a random party and telling everyone there. Only two people know at the moment." Alex shrugged.

"I think that's a cool idea. I'll let you get back to your lousy husband. I love you, Alex. And my little niece or nephew." Liam smiled. Blah, blah, blah. I stood up and gave him the slightest glare, sitting back down in my seat just as Liam stood up.

"So, how often do you guys see each other?" I asked, giving a fake smile. I really hope there's nothing going on.

"Uh, pretty much everyday." Alex chuckled, looking at Ashton then back at me.

"Is there a problem?" Ashton asked as his smile fell.

"Yeah, Niall... Is there a problem?" Alex raised an eyebrow in concern.

"Uh... Err... Ayeee..." I fumbled over my words. "Alex, can I speak to you alone for a second?"

"Niall, there's really no-"

"It's fine. You guys should talk. I'll head home. Have a good night." Ashton kissed Alex's forehead and stood up. "Bye, Niall." He waved and walked away.

I swear to god, this kid was purposely trying to piss me off.

"What's wrong, Niall? Why are you so cranky?" Alex leaned back and rubbed her tummy.

"Are you cheating on me?" I cut straight to the point. I instantly regretted it when I saw the look Alex gave me.

"Are you fucking serious Niall?!" Alex shrieked, throwing her hands in the air.

"What? I've seen all the photos and articles, and now seeing how he's treating you... It almost looks like he's your husband and not me." I explained myself.

"You know what, Niall?" Alex sat up quickly. Because of her stomach, her legs were opened wide for the camera. I was shocked at what I was seeing...

"It's nice to know that you trust me so much. After everything we've been through, you don't trust me? That's such bull-"

"Alex..." I cut her off.

"No, shut up. I'm speaking! Ashton has been nothing but a great support for me while you've been gone. He's done everything for me and I-"

"Alex! Are you bleeding?!" I started to panic. Her face went pale and her eyes went wide as she looks between her legs.

"Oh my god." Her hand flew over mouth.

"Call Ashton and get him to take you to the hospital! Now!" I started shaking. Please, not again.

Alex pulled out her phone and called Ashton, quickly screaming "I need to go to the hospital!" in his ear.

There's no way I'm going to be able to go out to perform in 20 minutes.

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