Chapter Fourteen

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Alex's POV:

After Niall and I... Tested out the first bed, we finished about six more beds then joined the whole gang downstairs for pizza.

As soon as I walked out of the shiny silver elevator, I was shocked at how far along the main floor had come along.

All the booths were set up, as was the bar.

Dad, Liam and Zayn were working on the stage with the mover guys while the girls were chatting in one of the booths.

"Wow..." I breathed.

"Do you like it?" Perrie asked excitedly.

"I love it! Thank you!" I exclaimed, hugging each of the girls.

"I ordered some pizza a few minutes ago. It should be here soon." I said as I took a seat beside mum.

"You must have been working pretty hard up there." Perrie chuckled.

"W-What do you mean?" I stuttered.

Oh god.

"Your hair is a mess, silly." Mum laughed.

"Yeah..." I laughed nervously.

Perrie suddenly gasped and gave me a strange look.

"You did the dirty deed up there didn't you?!" Perrie smirked.

"What? Psh... No!" I waved my hand dismissively.

"You did to! Ha!" Danielle spoke up, laughing with Perrie and mum.

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I quickly hid my face in my hands until I felt someone poking at my shoulder.

"What?" I looked at a smiling Perrie.

"Don't judge me for asking but... Was it good?" Perrie winked.

Danielle, mum and I all burst into a fit of laughter.

"You're so weird! But I love ya." I sighed.

"Okay... But answer the question. I'm curious." Perrie raised an eyebrow.

"...It was amazing. Very, very satisfying." I blushed.

"Can I tell you guys a secret?" I spoke in a hushed tone.

"Duh! Of course you can!" Mum exclaimed.

"Okay... This stays between us girls. Got it?" I eyed each of my best friends, and mother...

"Got it." Perrie nodded.

"Of course." Kassity, who was extremely quiet a few seconds ago, finally said.

"Yup." Danielle said simply.

"I'm your mother. Tell me." Mum said.

I chuckled and smiled.

"Niall and I are trying for a baby." I whispered.

"Oh my go-" Kassity pressed her hand over Perrie's mouth to shut her up.

"Oh my gosh!" Perrie said in a much quieter tone.

"That's so cute! I hope all goes well for you!" Danielle smiled at me.

"Aweee!" Kassity cooed.

"Do I look old enough to be a grandma?" Mum smirked.

"I'm kidding. I hope you and Niall get that baby..." Mum said awkwardly.

That does sound kind of awkward. Oh well.

"Are you excited for the wedding?" Kassity asked.

"Very. We're hoping to have it soon. We actually have a meeting with out wedding planner tomorrow." I smiled.

"You and Niall are by far the strongest, most adorable couple I have seen in my life. I can't wait for you two to finally get married." Mum said softly.

I smiled to myself and looked over at Niall.

He was standing with all boys-or should I say-men, laughing and talking.

Niall looked over and smiled his cheeky smile, sending me a quick wink making my stomach jump.

The things this boy does to me.

"Thanks. I'm lucky to have him." I looked over at mum.

"I'm lucky to have everything I've got." I held back my tears.

"I hope you all know I love you so much. You're my best friends and I am lucky to have you in my life." I let a tear fall.

"God, I'm such a girl." I chuckled, wiping away the tear with my sleeve.

All the girls huddled around me and brought me into a group embrace.

"We love you to."


"I'd like to thank everyone of you for being here today. We've accomplished so much and I have a feeling this business will take off just fine. You've all worked so much, and it means the world to me. Thank you!" I toasted as everyone chowed down on pizza.

Niall came to my side, draping his arm over my shoulder and kissing my temple.

"How are you feeling, princess?" Niall asked.

"Great." I smiled up at him.

He smiled back and leaned down, placing a kiss on my lips.

"When do you think we'll be able to open up?" Niall asked.

"Hopefully within the next few weeks. Really the only work left is stocking the bar with booze and making the beds... Other than that we're pretty much ready." I smiled back.

I'm pretty excited to open up my first business. Who wouldn't be excited?

"I can't wait." I smiled ear to ear.

Niall smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

"I love seeing you happy." Niall whispered to me happily.

(A/N): this is short I know I'm so sorry! I'm going to try and update again really soon but it's going to be hard!

My phone it's working very good anymore, and my mom accidentally left my laptop charger back in Toronto so I have no computer. I would buy a new one if I could but I have no money but oh well.

So, I'm very sorry if I don't update as often!

Y'all beautiful people should follow my great friend @1d_memories_1d she writes AMAZAYN stories! Her other account recently got deleted and it'd be very much appreciated if you could follow her! You can find her account in my bio!

If you guys have any questions or wanna say hi or something you can tweet me on twitter @Corrina_77. My kik and Instagram I don't get to answer as easily so if you'd like to get ahold of me twitter is the way!

I love y'all so much! You make really happy! (No creepsta)


- Corrina is tired

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