Chapter Twenty-Seven

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(A/N): sorry it's short, but it's an early update! Let me know what you think in the comments?

Don't forget, I posted a new fan fiction! It's an Our2ndLife fan fiction and I'm going to try hard to make it a good one.

Thanks for reading!

Niall's POV:

I was sitting beside Alex in the hospital. The doctors were doing blood work and were monitoring her heart.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked one of the doctors, tears still falling down my cheeks. She gave me a sympathetic look and shrugged her shoulders.

"That's what these tests will tell us. I'm very sorry," I nodded my head and she walked away.

The doctors all left the room and I took Alex's hand. This can't happen again.

"Alex, love... You promised we'd have this baby healthy and happy. Both of you, healthy and happy. You need to wake up and be okay." I sniffled.

I placed my head down on the side of the bed and dozed off into a saddened sleep.


I was awaken by someone stroking my hair. I opened my eyes and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. I sat up and looked at Alex who gave a faint smile.

"Alex?! You're okay!" I smiled, jumping up and kissing her lips.

"Yeah, I feel okay. I was just feeling a bit of pain earlier." Alex said.

"But you passed out?"

"I don't know why. Maybe I was tired?" Alex shrugged.

We were interrupted by the door opening and closing.

"Ah, Alex! Good to see you awake and smiling," the doctor smiled.

"Feels good," Alex nodded her head.

"I'm just here to let you know that you're free to go home. Your collapse and pain was caused by stress. You just need to lay low and don't strain yourself too much." The doctor said.

Wait, what?

"So, everything is okay? With the baby?" Alex double checked.

"Yes. Both you and your baby are perfectly healthy. This happens quite often. You see, when under too much stress, your nervous system stimulates the release of epinephrine and norepinephrine, which are stress hormones that constrict blood vessels and reduce oxygen to the uterus. Your collapse was just your body's way of saying 'You need to chill out'. Any pain is just baby's way of telling you to calm down as well, so be sure to listen to your body so you don't hurt yourself and baby, okay? Too much stress can cause premature labour, so take it easy!" The doctor explained. Alex nodded her head frantically, signalling that she understood.

"And you, husband, watch her carefully and make sure she's alright. Any signs of stress or pain or discomfort, take her to bed and be her slave. Got it?" The doctor smiled, but I knew she was serious. I frowned and nearly began to cry again, because I can't fulfill my duties as a husband or father. Nope, because I need to go and travel the world once again.

I nodded my head anyways.

"Alright, you're free to go! Call me if you have any questions," the doctor handed me a card. I thanked her then helped Alex out of bed.


We were now walking through the door to our home. I refused to let go of Alex's waist.

"Niall, I'm fine. I can walk on my own," Alex chuckled. I shook my head as I fumbled with the keys to the house. I clumsily unlocked and opened the door.

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