Chapter Fifteen

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Two months later.

Niall's POV:

I was helping Alex stock the bar and make the beds back at the night club.

Opening night was next week and she was super excited, as was I.

"You know, you still gotta name this place and get a sign." I spoke up.

"Oh shi- what the hell should I call it?" Alex panicked.

"One Direction." I shrugged.

"Hell no!"

"Ouch..." I muttered.

Alex chuckled and sat down on a stool.

"How about just 'Direction'...?" She pondered aloud.

"Original. You can always change it later to." I nodded my head.

"Okay... Now I just need a sign. Where do I get a freaking sign?" Alex asked.

"Help me?" Alex pouted.

I chuckled and walked over to where she was sitting. I stood in between her legs and kissed her to calm her down.

"I'll order one for you. Just relax." I stroked her long brown hair.

"How can I relax when I'm opening a buisness? What if no one shows up? Then what will I do? We'll be out a ton of money and I'll be a fail-"

"Alex! Don't panic, everything is going to be fine! I promise."

Alex smiled and wrapped her arms around my neck. I took the opportunity to lean in and kiss her passionately.

After a second she pulled away from the kiss.

She looked at me for a second until a look of disgust washed over her face.

Her hand flew to her mouth as she pushed me away and ran down the hall to the staff washroom.

Is my kissing that bad?

I stood there stunned, barely processing what just happened.

Go follow her, you twit.

Right! Follow her.

I ran down hall towards the washroom. Alex was hunched over the toilet, throwing up what looked like today's lunch.

Bending down, I grabbed her hair gently and held it out of the way.

Alex stood up and walked towards the sink, rinsing out her mouth with the provided mouthwash.

She turned around with a huge smile on her face.

Wait, what?

"Er... Babe... Why you smilin'? Ya just threw up your guts..." I asked, clearly confused.

"I'm either sick or there's a chance that I'm-"

"Pregnant?" I smiled widely.

"Let's buy a test later." I said anxiously.

In all honesty, I love the idea of being a father. Having a child of our own who I can put to bed, buy things for, teach them all the life lessons, love them, ect.

"It's best we don't get our hopes up. There's a chance we could be wrong."

I just hope so...

"We better hurry up if we're gonna make it to Zayn and Perrie's in time for dinner." Alex spoke.

"Okay. You got the keys?"

"Yep. Let's goo!" Alex grabbed my hand and we walked towards the closet, slipping on our coats.

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