Chapter Twenty- Eight

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(A/N): short but I needed to update. Sorry it's so short and uneventful, but for every shit chapter just gets closer to better ones. Hopefully :$

Are you a fan of Our2ndLife (O2L)?! If so, you should totally check out my new fan fic, "Head In The Clouds" :D

Love you all. Thank you so so much for reading and supporting me. You honestly have no idea how much you mean to me

Alex's POV:

I was in my car, driving towards my mothers house. My hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly. I was pissed off. Niall should have told me as soon as he found out. I feel like our marriage didn't mean anything, and he just wanted to get it over with. If I had known I would have waited before getting married. Of course I love him, but this was wrong.

For some reason, instead of arriving at my mums house, I found myself in Liam's driveway. I guess I just needed to talk to him. Maybe I just wanted to know how and when he told Danielle.

I parked my car and waited for courage to come to me, until I was finally ready to go talk.

Liam's POV:

Danielle arrived at home a few hours later than I had thought she would. She had bags and bags of groceries.

"I thought you were only getting a few things?" I chuckled as I helped her carry the heavy bags into the kitchen.

"They had good sales!" She said excitedly, pulling out a huge tub of ice cream.

"Only $3.00!" She exclaimed.

"I'm sure you're going to have fun devouring that," I smiled.

"We'll have it together." She smiled back at me, placing the ice cream and the other frozen products into the freezer.


"We should have a movie night on Saturday! We haven't done that in ages,". Danielle suggested, placing about a dozen boxes of crackers in the pantry.

I cringed, knowing I'll be leaving Friday morning, and that movie date definitely won't be happening. At least not with me.

"Danielle... I need to tell you something." I rushed my words. She turned around slowly and looked at me.

"You're leaving for tour again, aren't you?" She looked me dead in the eyes. I couldn't seem to read her emotions. I took a deep breath before answering her.

"Yes... I am so, so sorry." I rushed to her side. She turned back to the groceries, slowly sorting them out then placing them in the appropriate places.

"Don't be sorry." She said coldly.

"Danielle..." I placed my hands around her small waist and turned her to look at me.

"I didn't want this to happen so soon. Believe me," I shook my head.

"I know, Liam. It's okay. I knew you'd have to leave for tour again eventually. That's just one of the struggles of being with you." She gave a weak smile, placing a hand on my cheek.

Oh, no. She's going to break up with me. Here and now.

"But it doesn't mean I love you any less." She said softly, practically reading my mind.

I pulled her into me and kissed her passionately.

"I love you so much," I rested my forehead against hers.

"I love you too. And I will be here when you get back." She smiled.

"How did I get so lucky?" I sighed, smiling widely.

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