Chapter Eighteen

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CONTEST IN AUTHORS NOTE <3 LUFF YOOOU lol I know I'm a loser ;)

Niall's POV:

I  stood patiently in line at the suprisingly busy McDonald's. My hoodie and shades were on in hopes that I woudn't be recongized by any fans. Who wants to be mobbed at ten o'clock at night?

"Next!" The cashier called.


"Hi, I'll take two Big Mac meals please." I ordered, my stomach growling as I did.

The guy nodded his head and did a few things on his cash-computer-thingy. 

I moved to the side to let the next person order, smoothly pulling my phone out at the same time. I decicded to scroll through Twitter and saying "hi" to a couple fans. Maybe I should make a little teasing tweet?

Yes, I should make a little teasing tweet.

"@NiallOfficial: Feeling anxious! Hoping to hear some good news in a few minutes!"

The tweet reffered to my anxiety about finding out whether or not Alex is pregnant. Cross my heart hope to die, I hope she is pregnant. 

"Here's your food, sir." The poor guy in the McDonald's hat handed me my bag of food.

"Thanks." I nodded my head then left the restaurant.

"That went smoother than I had planned." I smirked to myself as I got in the car.

Now, time to go home.


"Alex! I'm home!" I hollored as I walked through the front door of our home.

"Would you like to come down and eat your food before I do?!" I chuckled.

Hearing no response, I cautiously walked up the stairs, the bag of food still in hand.


I stepped into our bedroom to see Alex sitting on the bed with her head in her hands, little sobs being the only I could hear. I couldn't see her face as her hair was covering her.

"Baby, are you okay? What's wrong?" I rushed to her side, dropping the bag of food.

She slowly put her head up and smiled widely.

"Huh?" I said without really thinking.

"I'm pregnant!" Alex screamed in my face.

The smile on her smile mimicked the one she had on her face the day I proposed to her. I smiled back with the same happy feeling in my heart as I had had the moment she said "yes" to my proposal.

She jumped up from the bed and into my arms, causing my to lose balance and fall onto the bed. Alex straddled my lap, bouncing up and down chanting "We're having a baby!". 

"I can't explain how happy I am right now." I chuckled lightly, tears of joy brimming in my eyes. 

"I'm happy too! ... And hungry, wheres that McDicks?" Alex got off my lap and started searching for the bag of food. 

"Let's have a dinner in bed tonight, we can watch some TV or something." I suggested. 

"Okay." Alex grinned, picking up the food and making her way over to the bed. 

"Woah, careful Miss Pregnant." I chuckled as she jumped, pretty much flying onto the bed.

Kassity's POV:

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