Chapter Thirty-Seven

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Niall's POV:
Today's the day.
After about five years of running around and being a crazy kid living out his dream, it's time to move on and be an adult living out his ultimate dream. The dream of having a family.
I truly don't think I could have been more lucky to have been a part of One Direction. I've had the craziest experiences and most unimaginable opportunities because of it... including many twists in fate that lead me to where I am today, sitting in a board room beside my miraculous wife who any day now will be giving birth to our child.
For the past few months - years, even- I've felt like my life is a book and I've been rushing to the next chapter, reading small glimpses of it but nothing has made sense because I have yet to finish the previous chapter. I've gotten married and am expecting a child, but I haven't been there to really watch it happen because of this band. That's why today, after all these years of being One Direction, we've all come to a mutual decision to say goodbye for good. For Louis and I, our focus is our families, while Zayn, Liam, and Harry are prepared to build solo careers. In the end, we are all happy with our decision and where our lives will go after today.
I look around the room at all the men in suits who have tried tirelessly to talk us out of signing these contracts, and before I even have the chance to think twice, my eyes fall to Alex's hand in mine, squeezing it so tightly my fingers could fall off, but it brings me comfort knowing she loves me and cares about me. I almost think that she is more nervous than I am. I look across from me and Louis gives me a small nod as Eleanor appears to be in the same state of mind as Alex, squeezing Louis' hand so tight that her knuckles are white. Beside them, Harry sits calmly with his hands folded in front of him on the table. Liam is sitting back in his chair, his lips pursed together in thought. Zayn looks down at his hands as he picks away at his nails. We all know what's about to happen.
The lawyer from Syco Records stands and hands us each a packet of paper. There's a daunting silence in the room as we all stare at the papers that hold so much value. The lawyer gives us the spiel about what the contract says and all the legal mumbo-jumbo that we've heard before and that I've now tuned out. I hold eye contact with Alex as he says those last dreadful words... 
"By signing the contract in front of you... you are all agreeing to end One Direction."
Those words make my heart skip a beat and part of me wants to rip up the contract and go back to being a band, but when I see the look Alex is giving me... the look that just says I support you no matter what you choose my choice is clear. Alex and our son will always be my first choice.
Everything feels like it's moving in slow motion as I flip the page and sign my name on the dotted line. It's not as hard as I thought it was going to be because at the end of the day, I still have my wife and we will soon have our child, and I have my four best mates and all of the memories.
With Alex's hand still in mine, we rise from our seats and leave the room. Neither of us say a word as we exit the building and make our way to the car. I help Alex in as she is now big as a house, but don't ever tell her I said that.
"I love you, Niall," her quiet, calming voice finally breaks the silence. The words are so simple, but they're all I needed to hear.
"I love you, too." I lean over and kiss her as my hand rests on her big pregnant belly. I've gotten into the habit of always feeling her belly when we kiss because our baby boy kicks like you wouldn't believe, and it's the best feeling in the world. As I'm about to pull my hand away I feel his little kick and I can't help but smile against Alex's lips. She pulls away and smiles back.
"I live for these totally cliche movie moments with you," she says, putting her hand in my hair.
"I can't wait to spend the rest of my life spending cliche movie moments with you, Alex," I respond, pulling her towards me again as I can't resist not kissing her when she looks so beautiful. She pulls away suddenly, looking at me with a worried look. I ask her what's wrong and she tells me to start the car as I begin to panic.
"Are you going into labour?" I practically shout as I start the car. "Holy shit! Am I about to be father?"
"No, Niall! I have to pee!" She shouts back at me as her cheeks turn bright red.
"Oh..." I nod my head. Whoops.
Alex apologizes about a thousand times before she finally laughs about how panicked I was. All I can do is drive home and smile.
I'm saying goodbye to one chapter of my life so I can finally, properly start the next. The rest of my life starts today, and it starts with the girl beside me who keeps telling me to drive faster so she doesn't pee on the leather seats. I couldn't be more grateful.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2018 ⏰

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