Chapter One

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Alex's POV:

"When do you think we should have the wedding?" I looked up at Niall.

We were currently laying in bed at Niall's hotel room, talking about our plans for the wedding.

"I think spring or summer." Niall replied unsurely.

"Really? I was thinking the fall..." I tried to hide my smirk.

"Fall sounds nice. We can serve pumpkin pie." Niall licked his lips.

I chuckled and smacked his chest lightly.

"For real though... Summer or fall are best choices." I played with the sleeves of my shirt.

"Why those two?"

"Well, fall I like the idea of the leaves falling and the different colors and stuff... And for summer, it's nice and hot, sunny, and pretty." I shrugged.

"So you want to have our wedding one of those times of year because it's 'pretty'?" Niall clarified.

"Basically..." I looked at him.

We both burst out laughing for a moment.

"Okay, okay... I guess we can hire a wedding planner." Niall suggested.

"Now, there's a brilliant idea." I kissed his lips gently.

"Okay, go back to school now. Your class starts in twenty minutes."

Groaning, I crawled over Niall. He smacked my bum, making me yelp and jump off the bed.

"Sorry, I had to!" He put his hands up.

I chuckled and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"See you tomorrow. Love you, ya goof."

"Love ya too." He smiled.

I left the hotel, where fans were crowding the lobby.

"Crap." I muttered under my breath.

I slipped on my sunglasses and tried to get through the crowd, not having much luck.

Getting pushed and shoved around made me want to scream or barf or both at the same time.

I was almost at the end of the crowd when someone screamed a blood curdling scream.

"It's Alex Tomlinson!"

My eyes widened and I made a mad dash for the door.

Fans came running after me and I picked up the pace, doing a full on sprint towards my car.

I quickly pressed the 'unlock' button on my keys and my door unlocked. I jumped inside and locked the doors, starting the engine and speeding out of the parking lot.


"Ten minutes late for class on your final week... Not too impressive, miss Tomlinson." My professor said as I entered the large classroom.


I took a seat in between Arel and Kassity.

"You okay?" Kass asked me.

"Yeah. Just got chased by fans." I sighed.

"Ah..." She nodded her head understandingly.

My stomach all of a sudden began to hurt, like a sharp pain shooting up my stomach. I clutched my stomach and bent over, clamping my eyes shut and trying not to scream.

"Are you okay?" Arel asked, bending down in front of me.

I couldn't respond, I just stood up quickly and ran to the bathroom to hurl.

After that, I felt fine and returned to class.

Guess I was just nervous.

Kassity, Arel, Jack and I all walked towards 'Munchies' after class was dismissed.

"That was weird... When you all of a sudden felt sick, then you were fine." Arel commented.

"Meh. It's nothing big. I probably just ate some bad food." I shrugged it off.

We entered Munchies, where Baylor was working his shift.

"Hey, guys!" Baylor greeted us with a smile.

"Hey, buddy. Mind serving me a ham sandwich? I'm starving." I sat in seat in front of the counter.

"Sure, as for you two, get back there and start working. I don't pay you to socialize." Baylor pointed at Arel and Jack.

They chuckled and walked to the back room.

"So, how's my pal Niall doing?" Baylor asked as he grabbed the bread to make my sandwich.

Baylor and Niall never really talk, but when they do they tend to get into arguments over stupid little things. It's been like that since the dinner with Demi and Niall, back when Niall and I were broken up.

"He's good. We're going to hire a wedding planner since we can't decide on anything." I smiled at Baylor.

"Nice. I'm invited to the wedding, right?" Baylor raised an eyebrow, holding up his knife jokingly.

"Of course. You can bring Cora too."

Cora is now Baylor's girlfriend. They started dating last year. I've started to get along better with her, but she's still one of EveLynn's minions, so we still fight when EveLynn's around.

Speaking of Cora, she came walking into the restaurant, her dirty blonde curls bouncing as she did. Cora's pretty, I've always been jealous of her. She's got a nice body, pretty face, and one hell of a boyfriend. But then again, I've got an even better fiancé.

"Hey, baby." Cora kissed Baylor over the counter.

They started to make out and I made a sower face.

"Please, no drooling on my food." I teased.

They broke apart, laughing slightly.

"Hi, Alex." Cora looked at me, giving me a sarcastic smile.

"Hey, there." I gave her a 'sup nod'.

"Alex, can you do me a favor and grab some more bread from the back room?" Baylor asked.

"Sure. Please, no sex while I'm gone." I joked.

Standing up, I made my way towards the back room, humming a 1D song as I did.

I swung open the door, only to see Arel and Jack making out. The stopped and stared at me with a shocked expression, and I'm pretty sure that I was looking back at them with the same look.

"Uhm... I just, uh... Need some bread." I quickly ran in and grabbed some bread then turned around.

"Alex-" Jack tried to speak but I closed the door on them.

"I'll take my food to go." I placed the bread on the counter.

I tossed Baylor a five dollar bill and took my food.

"I'll see you back at the dorm, Kass." I hollered to Kassity who was sitting and watching TV.

She waved to me, to distracted by the television to say anything. Typical Kassity.

It was a hurt walk from Munchies to my dorm room. About five minutes. Enough time for me to enjoy my sandwich.

As I took my last bite, I studied the beautiful diamond ring that fit perfectly around my finger. I honestly can not wait to marry Niall.

After everything we've been through, I feel we deserve it. I mean, Niall's 26 and I'm 22... I believe we're ready to get married.

I jumped in surprise as one of EveLynn's minions, Olivia, ran beside me and said 'hi'.

"Uh... Hey?" I looked at her confused.

"What are you doing?" She smiled at me.

Am I the only who finds who's finding this weird or...?

"Uh... Just checking out my ring." I shrugged, running a hand through my long brown hair.

"Nice! Heard you're getting married. Congratulations." Olivia smiled.

"I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you talking to me? We're not really friends...?" I asked awkwardly.

"Well, I was hoping maybe we could try to be friends?" She smiled.

"Uh... Sure." I smiled weirdly.

I just wanna lay down...

"Well, I can see you're a bit tired. I'll see you later. Bye!" She waved, running the other way.



How do I look tired?

What's that supposed to mean?

Ah, whatever.

I finally arrived at my dorm room, unlocking my door and laying down on my bed.

Alone at last.

(A/N): Hey guys!

Sorry this is pretty short! I'm trying to make it longer than the other stories!

I kinda gave away a lot in this chapter so.... Oops? :3

I'm having a yummy thanksgiving dinner tonight and I can not wait >:) FOOOOOOOOOOD.

I'll try and update in a few days. Busy schedule .-. PLUS IM DYEING MY HAIR TOMORROW :D lol

Thanks for reading! Big love to all you! Love ya! (No creepsta)

- Corrina the hungry hippo

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