Chapter Twelve

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Louis' POV:

I rushed into through the front door of the hospital, and went straight to the front desk.

"I'm looking for Alex Tomlinson." I spoke quickly to the woman at the front desk.

"Are you friends or family?"

"I'm her father."

"Miss Tomlinson is in intensive care. She's being prepped for surgery. I'll have a nurse take you to see her."

My legs felt like jello. My daughter is getting surgery.

The door opened and I heard footsteps approach me.

"Louis! Did you hear any news?" A worried looking Niall asked.

"We're about to go see her." I gulped. 

Niall looked like he was about to burst into tears. I feel just about the same. 

"I shouldn't have left her." Niall let a tear slide down his cheek.

"You wouldn't have been able to stop this. It's her cancer." A woman behind me said.

"I'm doctor Bronson. I will be in the room while the surgeons are working on you daughter. You see, when Alex fell and hit the corner of the chest, she came in contact with her stomach tumor, and somehow that cause it to rupture. So we must remove the tumor while we can. The surgery was going to have to be done eventually, so you couldn't stop it from happening."

"What about the baby?" I heard Niall ask.

"Baby?!" I raised my voice a bit, looking at Niall with wide eyes.

Alex told me about the cancer, but not that she was pregnant! I didn't even know she was having sex yet!

"I'm sorry, mister Horan... But the tumor applied pressure to the fetus and..." She let her sentence trail off.

Niall's tears were now flowing freely down his cheeks. Oh god.

"I'd like you to follow me please. Alex should be in surgery by now. There is a room that you can watch... But I don't know if you want to be there for it."   

"I want to be there... For her." Niall said softly.

"Me to." I agreed. 

The nurse nodded her head and we walked after her. 

She led us to the room where we could watch/wait for Alex. Eleanor was waiting there for us already, tears in her eyes. 

I wrapped my arms around her as  she cried into my chest. 

We stared in horror at the heart monitor that would show her heart beat going slower, slower then faster then slower.

After a minutes, the monitor showed a straight line, saying her heart had stopped! 

"Alex!" Niall shouted  at the top of his lungs as Eleanor cried into my chest. 

All three of us cried together.

How could this be happening? 

I looked over at Niall and saw he was sitting in a chair with his hands together, and his eyes closed. 

He was doing the smart thing, he was praying. 

Niall's POV: 

Please, God... 

I know I don't talk to you as much as I should, but I really need you to listen to me now, please. 

Alex is an amazing girl. She is loved by many. She goes out of her way to help everyone, even if that person isn't to fond of her or she isn't to fond of them, if somethings seriously wrong she'll help them. We need more people like that on our planet, we barely have enough... So please, don't take her away. We already lost someone we loved and could have loved, today... Our baby. Please don't take her away from us. I promise, if you let her live, I'll do everything in my power to protect her and love her and to thank you for giving her another chance at life... Thank you. 


I looked up from my prayer and stared at the heart monitor, and after a few seconds, her heart beat came back to normal... What a miracle! 

I smiled ear to ear and tapped Louis and Eleanor's shoulder. They looked over at the heart monitor and smiled, then kissed each other passionately. 

I can't wait to kiss Alex again... 


After a few hours, the surgery was complete and Alex was going to be ninty-nine percent healthy when she woke up. She just has to rest up.

At the moment, I was sitting at her bedside, holding her hand and waiting for her to wake up. 

Seems I do this a lot. 

There is no other place I'd rather be right now.

One week later. 

Today Alex was coming home from the hospital.

The doctors said she needs to stay in bed for the next few days, then she can get back to her regular routine. 

"Come on, baby, let's get you up to bed." I helped her up the stairs. 

I haven't seen Alex smile once since she woke up. It really broke my heart. 

I laid her down in bed and pulled the blankets up over her body to keep her warm. 

"I took a few days off work to stay with you. The boys are going to have to do the X-Factor performance without me." I sat beside her and stroked her hair gently. 

"No, Niall... Please don't. I want you to go out adn do what you love. Don't let me hold you back just because I had surgery. I'm okay now, so please... Go when you have to go." Alex said weakly. 


"No but's... You go. And when you're not busy, come be with me." Alex smiled weakly. 

"Who's going to take care of you?" I asked softly. 

"I'm sure my mum would love to come. She can bring Lea." Alex smiled when she mentioned her little sistsers name. 

"Okay. I just want you to be happy and alive." I kissed her forehead gently.

"I'm not going anywhere. I'm still here, even after being dead for a few seconds." Alex chuckled lightly. 

"Not funny." I frowned.

"You're right, I'm sorry." Alex shook her head.

"I  love you, now get some sleep. I'll be right here if you need me." I kissed her lips then got into bed beside her. 

"I love you too." She whispered drowsly before finally falling asleep. 

(A/N): Sorry for the short chapter but it's all I've got in me at the moment lol...Sorry its lame and rushed, I've just got too much on my mind but I wanted to update /.\ 

I'm dyeing my hair this weekend, care to guess what color? ;3 

I dye my hair to much lol 

Anyways, thanks everyone for the support and thank you for reading! Love you! (No creepsta) 

- Corrina is going to go bald if she keeps dyeing her hair 

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