Chapter Thirty-Five

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Hi everyone! I'm sorry it's taken me literally years to update this. If you're still reading, then thank you SO much for your patience and for continuing to read.
Life gets crazy as you get older! I don't know why I ever wanted to grow up aaaah.
Anyways, here's an update. It's pretty crappy but it's moving the story forward.

Love you always (no creepsta)

Niall's POV:
"Thank you for calling me Ashton. I'm booking a plane ticket now. I'll be home in a few hours," I said, hanging up the phone. Ashton had called me to tell me that my pregnant wife had almost been attacked by some psycho. That is not a call anyone wants to get. It felt way worse being thousands of miles away. My heart clenched with guilt knowing I could've been there to help her, but instead I was away on tour. This job is ruining everything...

I booked a direct flight home and started packing my things, just as Liam and Harry entered my hotel room.

"What are you doing, mate?" Liam asked as he plumped down onto the bed.

"I'm going home," I huffed, shoving a handful of shirts into my suitcase.

"What the hell? Why?" Liam asked, sitting up quickly out of shock.

"Alex was attacked at home. Someone needs to be with her so she's not alone!" I said, feeling myself getting worked up. "I should have been there."

"What do you mean she was attacked?" Harry asked.

"Is she okay?" Liam panicked.

"I don't know! It was fucking Ashton who called me," I was getting closer and closer to my tipping point. "Can you believe that? I had to have a guy, who is so clearly in love with my wife, be there for her when it should be me!"

The room fell silent as the boys tried to process what I've said. I didn't need them to answer... I didn't need anyone to do anything right now. I just wanted to be home, holding my wife and being the best husband I can be. Not the kind of husband I'm being right now.
This job... It has affected everything in my life. All the good things I'm supposed to experience and cherish have been tainted by the constant demands of this job. My marriage, my unborn child, my home... Everything I love most, I've been pulled away from. I haven't been able to support Alex nearly as much as I should be.
I do love this job, though. It has given me so much to be thankful for... but when is enough, enough?

"Do what you've gotta do, man," Liam spoke in a calming tone. "Give all our love to Alex."

I nod my head in thanks and prepare myself for the journey home.

Alex's POV:

My sleep was broken. I kept waking up after seeing his face in my dreams. My heart was racing, and I was worried that he could appear at any moment.

Trying to push my thoughts aside, I close my eyes and try to sleep again. My mind was still racing. Thoughts were just coming and coming. I couldn't stop thinking about the whole ordeal. The frightened look on his face, the way he behaved, the possibility that he could actually be Chad's son, and if he was, why didn't I know about him?

My thoughts were interrupted as the door opened. Assuming it was Ashton, I pretended to be fast asleep. That was until I felt a pair of lips on my cheek. My eyes shot open and I immediately yelled.

"Who in the fu-"

I stopped mid sentence when I realized who it was.

"Niall?" My heart swelled.

"Hi, my love," he smiled, tears in his eyes.

My arms flung themselves around him and I started crying.

"I've missed you so much," I sobbed.

Niall crawls into bed, holding me tightly.

"I know, baby. I've missed you too," he speaks quietly. "I'm here now. I'm not going anywhere."

And just like that, my fear was gone.

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