Chapter Seven

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Niall's POV:

I was kind of excited to go to the doctors.


Because we're about to find out some hopefully good news.

We were currently sitting in the waiting room, Alex's head resting on my shoulder as we waited patiently for the doctor to call her name.

"Niall? What if I have something serious?" Alex asked, looking into my eyes pleadingly.

"I doubt it, love. Even if you do, the doctors will heal you and all will be well. I promise." I kissed her forehead.

She nodded her head quickly, the look in her eyes telling me she was still nervous. She twiddled her thumbs as we both waited patiently.

"Alex Tomlinson." A lady called.

Alex and I stood up quickly, and walked hand in hand after the woman.

"Doctor Ivory will be with you momentarily." The lady smiled at us.

Alex paced back and forth, shaking her hands vigorously.

"It's okay, everything is fine." I said not only to comfort Alex, but to comfort myself as well.

What if this is something serious? All this sickness, is actually something life threatening?

She let out a deep breath and sat down on the mattress platform.

The doctor walked in, smiling at us.he was a bit older, his gray hair and wrinkles saying he was probably in his mid fifties.

"Hello, I am doctor Ivory. It's a pleasure to meet you Alex and...?" He pointed to me.

"Niall. I'm her fiancé." I put my hand out for him to shake.

He nodded his head then turned to Alex.

"So, what seems to be the problem?" He asked Alex.

"Well... I have recently been experiencing severe nausea, fainting, fevers, and more. I took a pregnancy test which turned up positive, but I'd like to confirm it here and I'd like an answer as to why I'm so sick." Alex babbled.

The docker nodded his head.

Man, I remember when she took the test... (a/n: of course you do it was like two days ago)

I heard the bathroom door open a few minutes later and Alex came in holding the stick in between her fingers.

Tears were streaming down her face, which may or may not be a good sign...

She showed me the stick and I looked at the symbol.


"I'm pregnant." Alex sobbed.

She searched my face for a reaction, but I was stunned.

"P-Pregnant? You're p-pregnant?" I asked, staring at the test I disbelief.

She nodded her head slowly, a tear rolling down her cheek.

"I'm gonna be a dad?" A small smile formed on my face.

"I guess so. But these tests are sometimes wrong, let's check with the doctor, okay?" Alex caressed my cheek.

I gave her a weak smile and kissed her forehead

"Alright. How long has this sickness been going on?" He doctor asked.

"A few... A few weeks." Alex hung her head shamefully.

A few weeks?! I only knew about a few days, but a few weeks?!

Alex gave me an apologetic look and I sighed, frustrated.

"Okay. We'll take an ultrasound then. That'll show us if there's a fetus growing and if there's anything else we should be concerned about." Doctor Ivory nodded his head.

He left the room for a minute to gather his supplies.

"Why didn't you tell me this was going on longer?" I stood up and walked towards her.

"I thought it was nothing." She croaked, placing a hand on her stomach.

"I wish you had told me sooner. I-"

"Ready?" The doctor cut me off, pulling a small cart like thing into the room.

I sighed as he set everything up.

"Can I get you to lay down please, dear?" He have her a sly smile.

This doctor real did creep me out a bit.

Alex laid down, her breath shaky.

As mad as I was about her not telling me about her problems sooner, I obviously still love her and I'm going to be there for her.

"I'll just need to lift your shirt up."

The doctor smiled and went to lift up Alex's shirt but I beat him to it.

I'm her fiancé, so I'm the only person who will ever lift up her shirt.

He nodded his head and grabbed the gel stuff. He applied a bit to the bottom of Alex's tiny stomach, which now that I think about it looks a bit bigger than usual.

I took Alex's hand in mine and kissed her forehead.

The doctor moved the wand around her tummy for a bit, then... The most astonishing and assuasive sound arose from beside me.

The heartbeat of my unborn baby.

My eyes widened as I looked down at Alex, who mirrored my expression.

"Well, there's your answer. Congratulations!" The doctor smiled.

I smiled ear to ear and kissed Alex who had tears streaming down her cheeks.

My gaze shifted to the doctor, who's smile fell.

"Is something wrong?" Alex spoke up.

"I... I..." The doctor stuttered.

Oh god...

I looked at the monitor which showed a small oval shaped object, which I'm guessing is the baby. He or she is pretty big... So why doesn't Alex have a baby bump? I noticed a large circle above the baby, it looked as though it was pushing on the child.

"Oh my..." The doctor rubbed his temples.

"What is it?" Alex panicked.

I squeezed her hand in a comforting manor.

"I'm sorry... But I'm afraid..."

(A/N): Dun dun dun.... lol sorry xD BUTHEY ALEX IS PREGGO ;) nice work Nialler

Sorry updates are taking so long, I've got a lot on my plate! Stress, stress, and a lot more stress lol.

Expect an update within the week!

Thanks for reading! Love y'all! (No creepsta)

- Corrina is eating whipped potatoes

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