My Skin

3 0 0

My Skin

is a forcefield

Creating gaps in a crowd

Emptiness surrounding me

in full spaces

My Skin

is a topic of conversation

Bringing questions

With hidden meaning

And excuses to prove me wrong

At any opportunity

My Skin

Is entertainment

Eyes following my every move

Straying back to me no matter

How hard they try.

My Skin

Is terrifying

The difference in it making them

Clutch their bags to their

chest in fear,

Shooting me in the street-

My hand to dark to see that it

Was only reaching for my

Identification card.

My Skin

Is a death note

It gives doctors the idea that I

Don't need health care,


my Skin

to destroy itself from the

Inside out until all that's of

Me is a name,

A name that they fear

To say outloud

Fearing that

If they say it,

They'll see 

my Skin

For what it truly was.


A/N: This was the first time I was ever to write about being black and now it wont stop coming out.  I hope this one is better than the last, my prof wasn't so fond of The Grass is Greaner poem 


But also if he doesn't like this one, he's just racist.. 

JK he's a wonderful man, he is not racist 

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