Chapter 21- Old fashioned feeling

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Although it was showery and very damp last few days, but the present day screamed fine day, white fluffy clouds dotted the azure blue sky as the sun beamed beatifically and there was a wonderful scent in the air, which perfumed of the spring morning.

About Haneul, she wasn't at camp site since morning. Y/n heard she went home back because of something urgent. Y'all know what was urgent. *smirky face*

Today was the last day of camp and y/n wanted to enjoy it to fullest.
Yesterday was a long day and hard but nothing could go wrong now. That's what y/n thought but who knew what awaits before her.

"Hee! We are going to facility at the summit! I can't wait to see fireworks!" Sunoo explained, grabbing his bag.

"I am also excited! It's been long since I watched fireworks." Y/n said, grabbing her bag too. "Nothing can go wrong now."

"Mm." Sunoo smiled. "Let's go." He said, jogging to caught up to the guys.

Y/n coughed a bit, gaining attention from Ni-ki who was behind her.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

She coughed again and nodded. "It is just a cough..." Her vision went blurry, her surroundings became fuzzy and dark as she tried to keep her balance together.

Ni-ki widened his eyes before he realized that y/n was gonna faint. He quickly grabbed her waist. Her lips became pale and lost her sense eventually.

"Shit." He muttered. He looked around to spot the guys. "G-guys!!" He yelled, others turned around to find Ni-ki holding y/n who had faint. Without any delay, they ran towards them.

"Y/n?" Heeseung held her.

"What happened to her?" Sunoo said, looking at her figure in concern.

"I-I don't know. She just fainted." Ni-ki replied.

"Maybe dehydration?" Jungwon mentioned.

"Maybe sleep deprivation?" Jay added.

"MAYBE SHE'S DEAD!" Ni-ki yelled.

"Ni-ki!" Everyone growled.

"You're exaggerating it, Ni-ki." Jake facepalmed.

Heeseung touched her forehead. "She have high fever." He confirmed. "We need to get her on the bed."

"I'll inform the teacher." Sunghoon said.

"I'll come too." Jake said, and they went to tell the teacher.

Heeseung carried y/n in a bride style while others followed them inside the tent. Hee laid down y/n carefully on the soft blanket.

"Why did she get fever?" Jungwon asked.

"She was drenched in the rain yesterday. Maybe that's why." Heeseung replied.

"Oh right." Jungwon nodded.

"But we were drenched too." Ni-ki said, getting confused.

"Girls get fever easily." Sunoo said.

"And we don't?" Ni-ki asked.

"Ni-ki." Jay said showing unassumed face.

"What?" Ni-ki asked.

After a while, the teacher came along with Sunghoon and Jake. The teacher checked y/n's temperature. "I think y/n should rest for today." She concluded. "The teachers here will take care of her so you guys can head ahead now." And she left the tent.

"But I wanted to watch fireworks with her!" Sunoo pouted sadly.

"Y/n was excited to watch fireworks." Jake recalled, feeling sad about it.

"I also want to watch fireworks with her but ma'am told us to join the others." Jay said, Sunoo groaned.

"Jay is right." Jake said. "We should leave her to teachers now."

Everyone stayed silent.

"Let's go." Jake said, patting others' back as they walked away, giving last glance at y/n.


Y/n fluttered her eyes open as she looked around, realization hit her. "What's the time?" She sat up straight checking her phone. 6:38pm. "Fireworks!" She groaned. "I missed it!"

"Damn fever!" She cursed under her breathe.

"Y/n? Are you awake?" The teacher came inside, she bowed at her. "Are you okay now?" The teacher asked.

"Yes. I think so." She replied, then the teacher touched her forehead to check the temperature.

"The temperature has gone down." She smiled. "You are okay now."

"Thank you, ma'am." You bowed.

"Oh no no. I didn't do anything. You should thank your friend who left fireworks event and took care of you instead." She said, and left the tent.

Friend? She thought and saw a silhouette of a person. Her heart beat faster and faster as the person approached closer. "Y/n." He called, his voice as soft as ever. He entered the tent as she locked her eyes with his. Heeseung gave her a genuine smile.



"Let's go." Jake said, patting others' back as they walked away, giving last glance at y/n.

They were outside, ready to leave but Heeseung stopped on track.

"Heeseung?" Jake turned towards him, followed by everyone.

"Guys, I am gonna stay with her." He said,

Sunoo smiled. "I knew that you would stay." He said. "Okay. I will give you the permission again."

Everyone smiled.

"Take care of her." Sunghoon patted Heeseung's shoulder as he passed by him.

"Don't let her die." Jungwon said, as he walked towards. Y/n would have hit her hard if she heard him.

"Bye hyung~" Ni-ki waved. "We'll be back. Until then take care of her."

Jay gave him a thumbs up and waved him. Heeseung giggled and waved back.

"Heeseung~" jake gave him fist bump. "Take care of her." He winked and catch up to them.


"Are you feeling better?" Heeseung asked y/n and she replied with a nod.

"I want to show you something so can you come with me?" He asked, y/n had confused face but accepted anyway.

Heeseung walked into the woods and y/n followed him. "We're almost there." He said, giving glance at her every now and then.

Y/n was focused on him that she didn't see the root in front causing her to fall forward. Before she fell down, Heeseung caught her by her wrist and pulled her back on your feet.

She looked up to meet his gaze. "We're here." He said, looking beside them. Y/n followed his eyes to see thousands of fireflies glowing the dark forest.
She watched them in amazed.

"It's not very beautiful compared to fireworks & stars but...yeah.. hope you like it." Heeseung grinned. Her heart was racing again, her stomach felt weird.

She shook her head. "It's beautiful." She smiled. "Thank you."

"I'm glad you liked it." He said as stroke her head. She felt her cheeks heating up. Lee Heeseung what have you done to me?! Her thoughts screamed but she liked it. She liked the way she was feeling. That old fashioned feeling. But my heart is beating so fast. What's wrong with me?


Yeah baby! It's like polaroid love~

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