Chapter 29- Love&Hate?

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[Not Edited, Sorry For Any Mistakes]

The Sun had already said it's goodbyes to the city and the mix color of red and dark blue spread across the sky before dark blue slowly dominated over red. The dark night sky was aglow with bright city lights.

"I love you and I always did."

Your mouth left a dry chuckle. "Is there any camera around?" You looked around.

"No, there aren't any." Sam said, looking straight into your eyes. "I'm telling the truth. No one told me to do this. It's coming from my heart."

You scoff. "Why? After all you had done to me. Why now?"

Sam released your hand as he looked down. "Yes, I agree that it all started with a game but I feelings for you was genuine. I realized that after I lost you. I was too focused on how my friends would react if they found that I like you. Will they treat me the same? Will they leave me? The thoughts ran all day and at last I had to do those things to stay with you without them noticing my feelings for you." He explained, averting his eyes from floor to you. "Now I don't fear about it anymore. I just want you back, y/n." He held your hand. "Please give me one more chance."

You gulped before slowly pushing his hands away. "Sam, it's all in the past now. I don't love you anymore. Sure we went through lots of things; bad including good ones and I can't forget the things you did to me. But I forgive you." You gave a half smile. "Let's leave those things at past and move on."

Sam pursed his lips as he nodded his head.


The school festival was drawing to end as all the students and visiters moved to the stadium that was build on the football ground. The arrangements were done perfectly, and the only thing missing was the people to sit on it. The students responsible for the sound check were doing their job, making a loud irritating noise which rang all over the school.

You, Heeseung, Sunghoon and Jungwon walked towards the ground to find Ho-rang and others already gathered together. After seeing them, y'all made your way to them.

"Y/n!" Ho-rang gave a hug after seeing you.

"It's quite noisy here." You said, looking around the crowd.

"It sure is." She replied.

Y'all took a seat around the middle as the show was about to began. Everyone pushed around so Ho-rang sat beside you and on your other side, Heeseung stood there, thinking whether to sit or not before he could even decide, other made him sit down as he was getting in the way.

Awkward silence filled the air between both of you. The show started with a welcome dance by a group, and the crowd filled with cheers and coos.

"Y/n, do you know.." Ho-rang whispered near your ear, and you leaned to hear out. "If you kiss your partner while viewing fireworks, they say their love become eternal."

You giggled at her. "You believe in those beliefs?"

"Who knows it might be true." Ho-rang shrugged. "I'm sure many students will try it today."

You made a few talk with Ho-rang here and there while watching the show, you almost forgot that Heeseung was sitting beside you. You placed your hand on the armrest of the chair without looking when you felt someone's hand on it. You quickly pulled away after noticing it.

A deep shade of red color painted itself on your face. "Sorry-" Everyone's eyes followed his movement as he stood up suddenly.

"Heeseung, where are you going?" Jungwon who was beside him asked.

"I'll come back." He said, before walking through the crowd.

You clenched your hand into a fist as you watched him disappear into the crowd.

AFTER ABOUT FIVE MINUTES, he wasn't back yet. You kept looking around, trying to find the boy but he wasn't coming.

You lost your patience, you stood up. "I gonna go to the restroom." You said, everyone looked at each other before nodding. They watched you go.

You quickly made your way out of the crowd and searched the lad around. You ran around until your legs stopped after seeing Heeseung passed through the main gate.

You ran towards him and stopped in 2 meter distance from him. He turned around after hearing the steps of you. "Y/n?"

You panted and choose the words. "Are you leaving already?" You asked, and he gave you nod in response.

"Why? Why are you leaving without me?" You questioned, and he averted his eyes away from you.

A weird feeling grew in your chest. "Why are you distancing yourself from me? I..." You took a sharp breathe in before exhaling it.

You clenched your hands into fists. I have to say it! "Is it because I like you?" You finally said it, with courage you march up. Heeseung's eyes widen before looking down at the ground.

Looking at him not denying or even answering, a drop of tear dripped down to your cheek --- you felt a sting in your heart. "Am I right?"

You pursed your lips together before speaking again. "You didn't even ask for explanation from me and put me through confusion and regrets. i got worried that I might have done something wrong but you just shut myself down before I could even confess my feelings." You said it, while your tears dripped down your cheeks.

"I never thought that you could be mean." Heeseung gulped down his words. "But you know what? I still can't hate you that's why I hate myself for not able to hate you." His eyes widen, he glanced at you as you wiped your tears away before you walked away from him.

"Y/n-" He reached his hands out but he clenched into a fist before dropping down. He watched you as you ran away with crystal like tears flew away with the wind.

'maybe I did expect too much.'

You wiped all your tears before going back to others.

"Oh y/n-" Sunoo noticed something off about you, everyone looked at you and they noticed the same.

You picked your bag from the seat. "Sorry guys. I gotta go now." You said, they all saw your rosy cheeks with trail left by the tears, your eyes red.

"Y/n." Ho-rang's face soften seeing you. "Are you okay?" She asked, over the loud music.

You tried your best to give a smile, although pain was still evident all over your face. "Yeah. Bye." You said, and walked away before your tears fall again.

You walked and walked until you were away from the crowd and people, the streetlight glow upon you. The road was quiet.

Just then a loud sound of explosion was heard, the sky was lit with colorful explosion. Sound of explosion echoed with one after another.

Your knees gave up, and you fell down on it. You hugged your knees, body-shaking sobs racked your body, each coming in a wave, and, with every sob, you let out a low whimper, tears straining the already red cheeks.

Without you knowingly, Heeseung watched you from far, his heart pained seeing you like that but he had no choice but to do this. 'cause he knew that you will suffer more if he get even closer. He had to make you hate him. He closed his eyes as the wind swift his raven hair.

I'm sorry. I'll leave eventually, so I can't give you more hopes...

𝐁𝐔𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐅𝐋𝐘[𝐥.𝐡𝐬𝐱𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫]──희승✓Where stories live. Discover now