Chapter 21: The End

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[Y/n] opened her eyes only to see herself standing in a white void. "Am I dead?" She mumbles.

"You're not," the woman let out a flinch, turning around rapidly as her eyes widen at the sight.

A sans, about her height looking at her with a smile on his face. [Y/n] knew this sans so well, she knew the sans that she spend designing on for months. "Hello [Y/n]," he greeted. "Or should I say, creator or mom... I guess?" He let out a chuckle.

"W... Whatever you prefer," she said to him, still in shock.

"My creator hasn't changed a bit, maybe your sleeping habits have improved but you're still the same," her creation says. "Anyways I couldn't stay here for long... I'm only here on behalf of Ink's Frisk."

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions but I'll cut this short." Sans inhales, "so the crystal that the Sanses have been looking for is inside your soul and why you're here right now is that gem and with the help of the Frisks and Charas."

". . . what? So you're telling me... I have the gem all along?" [Y/n] is more shocked than before. "But what about the Frisks and Charas? And how could we remove the gem out of my soul?"

"You see... The reason why they're gone is that you're here. It's possible to restore the gem and get the kiddos back but... You'll be gone, you will be sent back to your universe, [Y/n]. It takes a lot of power to be able to bring you to this multiverse," Sans says as he has a bit of sad expression on his face.

"You're telling me..." [Y/n] mumbles, "I was the reason for their and the gem's disappearance. With the help of Frisk's and Chara's plus the gem is for you to be able to bring me here. And if you restore the gem and them, then I'll disappear from this world."

"Yup, oh and I'm not the one who brought you here," Sans says.

"Then who?"

Sans, her beloved creation, smiled warmly at her as if it was his last. [Y/n] can't help but feel sad.

"Fresh did."


Fresh cradles the [h/c] haired woman in his arms as the others go to Ink if he's still alive.  Fresh reminded himself that he was a parasite, who couldn't anything. Until he came across her world, pretend to be human and manage to befriend her. The emotions he felt during those days are overwhelming, though he grew accustomed to it.

He knows to himself that he's selfish, selfish enough to ask both Core Frisk and  Ink's Frisk to bring [Y/n] into this multiverse. He doesn't care about the sacrifices, he wants her here. Fresh remove some strands of hair off her face as he recalls the past conversations.

He let out a flinch when [Y/n]'s eyebrows' twitched as she slowly opened her eyes. Beautiful [e/c] eyes starting at his sockets, "it's been a while, [F/n]." She smiled.

Tears suddenly started pouring down from his sockets as he pulled her closer, hugging her. [Y/n] returned the hug, patting Fresh's back as he let out quiet sobs.

Nightmare walked towards them, "you feeling alright?" His tentacle pats her head.

"Yeah, let's wait for this cry-baby to calm down for a bit," [Y/n] says.

"I'm not a cry baby," Fresh grumbles, burying his skull on her shoulders. [Y/n] let out a snicker as she continued patting his back.

"You're [Y/n], right?" [Y/n] looked up to see Ink standing in front of them. "I actually don't remember anything... Including how we met too but I hope I didn't do anything destructive," the artistic skeleton says as he scratched the back of his soul.

"He lost his memories?" The woman looked at Nightmare.

"I guess so, I have a theory that his soul contains memories." Nightmare replied as he looked at the confused Ink. "Anyways, I'll gather all of them up. I'm guessing you have a lot to say," he walks away. Ink followed him shortly, asking a bunch of questions.


[Y/n] explained the whole thing that happened between her and her creation. Fresh was clinging to her as she'll disappear as the others have conflicted expressions.

"You'll... Really disappear?" Killer asked as he looked at her.

"I guess so," she only replied with a sad smile. "G?" She looked at the taller skeleton.

He let out a sigh, "I don't want you to disappear but the amount of time that our humans have disappeared from our universes is already troublesome. It might mess up a few timelines," he says.

"Is iT nOT poSsIBlE tO cOnTAcT hEr fRom anOthEr WoRlD?" Error asked him.

G shooked his head.

"Will you be okay?" Classic asked her.

The [h/c] haired woman smiled, "I'll be okay."

"So this is goodbye huh?" Fell went to her side.

[Y/n] nodded as she looked at the skeletons around her. "GROUP HUG!" [Y/n] suddenly got squished by the skeletons.

"Hey watch it!"

"Agh! My foot!"

"Nightmare, your goo is getting all over me!"

"Oh shut up!"

And lots of complaints from the other skeletons.

They all let go of each other, the skeletons then looked at [Y/n]. "Goodbye, or I guess, we'll see you soon if that time comes," Dust says to her.

"I'll see," she let out a chuckle. "Fresh?" She looked at him.

Fresh nodded, letting go of her arm. He started removing the gem of her as it floated in his hands.

"Goodbye! Or I'll see you all soon!" [Y/n] waved as she started disappearing into petals.

"I'll miss you!" Fresh exclaimed trying not to cry.

"I'll miss you too, dear friend!!" [Y/n] let out a short laugh.

A lot of goodbye greetings was heard from the skeletons and when the woman finally disappeared, everyone went silent with an empty feeling inside of them.

"Let's get back to work boys," Nightmare says. He walked away with his members following him.

The others went back to their universes, leaving Fresh alone in the void. Fresh looks at the floating gem on his hand until it started floating on someone else's.

"I'll take it from here," Sketch, aka Inktale(?) Frisk says. "You did well," Sketch added with a smile.

"Yeah..." Fresh nodded. He put his shades back on. "It was sappy earlier but life goes a brah!"


[Y/n] looked back at the unfinished drawings on her table. She let out a small smile as she sat down on her chair, she grabbed a pencil and started drawing once again.

After a few hours, she held out the paper in front of her. Letting out a proud smile she says, "welcome home, Onyx!"

Ended: January 26, 2022

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