Chapter 7: Don't go [part 2]

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[Made by me so please don't steal ↑]

Previously in Creator...
"Do you think I could hurt her? Her kindness and generosity proves me she's worth of living. She gave me this eyes, but let's not talk about this right now. Nightmare is aftering you," killer said.

"WHAT?!" A familiar voice exclaimed behind them.

The three flinch as they saw Ink, Dust pulled [Y/n] behind him.

"Stay away from her!" Ink exclaimed as he hold his paintbrush.

"Ink calm down-" [Y/n] is cut off.

"No, because she is our... friend!" Killer yelled.

[Y/n] sweatdrop as she mentally facepalm.

"This is not going to be good," she mumbles under hear breath.

[Things that I probably made up will have the sign like this '°']

"How can she be friends with you psychopaths?!" Ink said and starts attacking them with a °spiral paint attack.

They dodges but before one of them could grab the female, G teleported behind her and grabs her before teleporting beside Ink.

"Ink... that's quite offensive..." she mumbles to him.

"I mean its true that their psychopaths-" Ink was cut off by a flying bones attacking towards them. G carried [Y/n] and dodges the bones and Ink also dodges them.

Dust and Killers pupils are glowing violently, they want her back. Killer sprinted towards Ink and attack him with his knife.

Dust sprinted towards G and tries to get her away from him.

"Why do you want her anyway?!" G asks.

"Look we want her to be safe! Nightmare is looking for her and if he know what she could do she could be in trouble!" Killer shouted as he heard G.

"Wait, does [Y/n] gave you those eyes?" Ink asks.

"Duh, who else? You? Plus didn't you hear that I told dust she have me this eyes earlier?" He ask raising a brow.

"I'm forgetful," Ink response.

"Of course," he attacks him again.

When Dust fires a Gaster blaster at G, he accidentally let go of [Y/n] letting her fly off.

"[Y/N]!" They all yell.

She was expecting a very hard impact but nothing happens. She opens her eyes to see her in the arms of another skeleton.

"Dont worry human I got you!" He said.

She looks at him, a crown, a golden cape, light glue clothes. "Dream!Sans?" She asks.

"Yes, I'm Dream." He said.

"Dream! Thank Asgore that you are here!" Ink shouted.

"But how?! Nightmare imprisoned you by turning turning you into a stone!" Killer shouted.

"I was turned into stone, but I got this feeling that wanted me to break free quietly. And that to protect someone important," he said as he looks at [Y/n].

"That's kind of clique(?)," she said.

"Yeah I know but I want to express what I feel, dear human," he said as he sweatdrop and chuckles nervously.

"That's bullshi-"

"PG 13 Dust," she responds.

Dust looks at her raising a brow and quickly shooks it off and sprinted towards them.

Dream quickly goes away from him and Dust started to chase them.

"I'm proud of them," she said.

"How so?" Dream asks still running.

"Being the lazy bone they are they will just teleport but now hey finally uses their legs instead of teleportation." [Y/n] said.

Dream sweatdrop as Dust mentally facepalm as he realize they could teleport.

Dust then get trap by a cage of bones, "what the?!"

Dream stops running and put [Y/n] down.

"Need some help?" A familiar skeleton steps forward.

"Classic," Ink said.

"Nice to have you back Dream," Sans said. "I bring a companion," he said.

"Mwehehehe, The Magnificent Blue to the rescue!" A smaller skeleton exclaimed.

"Great the the star shi-" killer was cut off by [Y/n] glaring sharply at her.

All of them sweatdrop, "I-I mean star sanses are here." Killer correctly said.

She let out a sigh, "go." She said.

"What?" Killer and Dust look at her confuse

"I don't want you guys to get hurt, plus both of you are outnumbered. Calling some other members could cause chaos in G'S AU." She said.

Sans snap his hand as Dust is finally free from the cage.

Killer and Dust looks at at another and looks at her, "will we be able to see you again?" Killer asks, not wanting to leave without her.

"Sure, that's if you find me again." She said with a small but warm smile.

They let out a sighs and opens a portal, before they go she said

"I'll see you soon," she said.

"You better stay out of trouble missy," Dust said.

"Yes dad," she responds.

The duo let out a low chuckle, "eat well and stay out of boys. You better tell us if someone's is hitting on you," Killer joked.

She chuckles and nods, Dust and Killer gave her a small smile before jumping in the portal, closing it by itself.

Dream looks at her in awe, he knows somethings gonna change and that's because of her.

"I think its the best if [Y/n] moves out to another AU." Ink said.

As G hear that, he sighs as and feels slightly down.

As she notice G's expression she ask, "we are going to see each other again right?"

G perks up and looks at her, he nods.

She smiles, "that's great then."

G out his hand on his chest as his soul skip a beat.

"We have to go now, you and Blue could catch up in another AU." Ink said.

Blue walks forwards at her, "nice to meet you human! I'm the magnificent Sans! Aka Blue," he said as he reaches out his hand.

She shooks his hand, "nice to meet you, I'm [Y/n]." She said.

Ink let out a cough, "lets go?"

They all nod except G, who just watches them.

Ink opens a portal, they were about the go in until [Y/n] runs towards to G and gives him a hug.

G flinch and did not expect that but he returns the hug, after a while they let go of each other .

"We'll see each other soon," she said and G respond a nod.

She then goes back to Ink and the others and then looks back at G and waves. G also waves at her, she smiled then they go in the portal.

G let out a sigh as the portal close, "I guess I'll see you soon. But I wish you didn't have to go any sooner... Who am I kidding? She won't be able to hear this..." He mumbles and goes back to his house.

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