Chapter 12: A Guardian Who Destroys

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Its been a while, when they both landed on a non existing ground after Error jumps into a portal with the human in his arms. When Error confess that he is watching [Y/n] in a long time.

Right now, they sat on a couch with a distance between them.

"Tell me, Error.."

Error looks at her as he raised his non existing eye brow.

"Since when did you first start watching me?" She asks, but couldn't be able to make an eye contact.

Error looks away from her as he let out a sigh.

"YoU sEe..."

-Days/weeks earlier when you first arrive at the anti-void-

Error is on patrol as he is getting grumpier jumping through AUs and AUs.

"DaMn NighTmAre, wHy doN't He do HiS WoRk oTher tHan SitTing hIS aSS in hiS tHRone..." he mumbles as he jump through a portal.

But this time he landed to an Anti-void.

'This is new...' he thought. He then flinch when he saw a figure lying on the invisible floor.

He tries to approach it but he hears a portal being to open. He then jump through is own portal as he watches from a distance.

He saw the female waking up, as she looks around in wonder. He saw Ink approach him, only Ink could make his non existing blood boil so fast than the members of the bad guys he called idiots

They hear their introduction to each other. He continue watching them as he is taking notes about the female. She is a creator, who have a unfinished Au. Which make the destroyer sigh in relief because he doesn't want another Au bothering him. Now he have an information about the female, he was about to go until he witness something.

"I [Y/n] the creator, grant you a soul!" She joked.

Error almost snickered at that one because he thought that would be impossible. Until he saw a blinding light which make him close his eye sockets. When he open his eye sockets, her jaw drop to the ground as he saw a soul and it goes inside of Ink.

He then got interested in the human, so he continue watching him. He watches as she talk about her world, she tells off puns, and other stuff. So ad he continue watching her, as an invisible guardian.

He also watches how the female able to to soften the killers soul. Which is Dust and Killer. Those duo annoyed him. He almost want to strangle Dust by taking her hand as he leads [Y/n] through the snow. He got even amaze on how she be able to give killer a pair of eyes.

So he decided to spare the two as long as they dont tell about the existence of the human he took interest in.

So then a meeting started in Nightmare's castle. He couldn't careless about the meetings, but what he heard in the king's voice gave him anxiety.

"I want you to find a human," he said. The others is suppose to say something but he quickly said, "unharmed."

"You ruin the fun," he heard Killer mumbling to himself. Error clench his bony hands into fist in his pockets.

"Who is this human anyway?" Cross asks.

"She's in one of the AU's, her name is [Y/n]."

He look at Dust and Killer, whose sockets become hallow. He knows they dont want the human to be caught because they grown fond of her.

"What does she look like?" Cross asks again.

"[H/L] [H/C], she also have [e/c]. You will know her eventually because of her aura. She acts calm but she have wise words." Nightmare explained. Error somehow agree to that one.

"Plus killer, who give you those eyes?" Nightmare asks the skeleton who doenst suppose to have pupils in the first place.

Everybody look at killer, including him so he doesn't get suspected.

He notice Killer sweatdrop. "This doesn't matter, why do you want to find that human so badly anyway?" He asks looking at Nightmare.

"Just do your job," he said as he groans.

They all sighs and hops on the portal they just spawn. He saw Dust and Killer quickly goes to Echotale, they are going to warn her.

He also goes to Echotale as he hides behind the trees, in the shadows. He watches them fight over her, and how the tree he is using as a cover almost got blast. Then the shi- i meant Start sanses came into the rescue.

His sockets widen at the sight of Dream being release from his stone prison and cringe at the cliché words he just said. He also witness their departure to Flowerfell.

So he also went there, he couldn't take his eyes off her for some unknown reason. He listen to her words, on how she comforted Fell. He also wanted those words to be said to him. To be patted, to be comfort.

So when he took a rest for a moment because he feels tired, and when he comes back to watching her.. He watches them being attack by Undyne. He must resist on showing himself, because his other crew is in there. He can't do anything but to watch.

After an hour later, he founds out they are now on the Au of Birdtale. When he open a rift, he caught Bird and [Y/n] fighting. There are something on his chest and on his mind as Bird said something towards her that is not very so kind. Anger, is what he is feeling. But he have to control it because he notice that Dream, Ink, and G went in.

So the next day, when the female started to go out he decided to show up to her..

-Back to the present-

The female let out sigh, "Error I.."

"Error," a familiar called out.

The two flinch at the voice and there is an Anxiety pumping into Error's veins.

They both look at the direction of the voice.

"Error there is mee-" his pupils landed on the female who looks at him with wide eyes. His expression serious turn into a shock one.


[My apologies if its messy]

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