Chapter 15: Argument

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"I know they were never should have been trusted!!" Ink screamed, rage filling up his head.

"Ink listen-!" Raven tries to reasoned out.

"Guys! Stop worrying about that! Right now you should worry about [Y/n]!" Fell interrupt as he glance the unconscious body of the female while Dream is healing her with his magic.

Ink let out a sigh, " Dream is right.."

Raven sweat drop, "you're the one who keep yelling this past minute.."

"WHY," Nightmare slams dust against the wall. "DID," he slams him this time against the floor. "YOU DO THAT!?" He screamed at the injured Dust.

All of the members look at Dust, Error also wanted to strangle him, yes. But, he knows about his promise with [Y/n].

"Boss.." dust breaths out clutching his stomach. "As much as I want to not hurt her, I made a promise with her!"

Nightmare angrily pulls Dust up by his colar, "what is that promise?!"

"Nightmare," Cross called out. "Her injuries are not that ba-"

"But she is still hurt!! Because him!"

"I know but please.. I'm sure the other Sanses are healing her right now."

"Yeah, but this Dust Sans also tell that birdy to take her!"

"I don't want her to be under your influence!" Dust yelled.

"Why you-!"

"Nightmare,"  someone called out.

Nightmare turned around to see who.

[Y/n] slowly open up her eyes,  as she sat up with a strong banging pain on her head.

"[Y/n] you're awake!" Someone exclaimed.

She look at who it was and saw it was Raven.

"What happened?" She asks looking at him.

"You got injured by Dust.." he said trailing off.

"Thank you for saving-" she was cutted off.

"It wasn't me.. as much as I wanted to save you from them." Raven said as he look down.


"It was Dust, he saved you.. even though.." Raven trailed off.

Her eyes widened as she rapidly stands up and went through the door, tripping in the process.

"H-hey! You should rest!" Raven said as he holds her stopping her for anymore movements.

"B-but he will-" she was cutted off by voices.

She walks closer to it, by the help of Raven. She heard people, or rather, skeletons talking to each other. Or more like shouting. She looks down stairs and watches them.

"He could have killed her thanks to that injury!" Ink remarks as he looks at the others.

"Look Ink, Dust  wouldn't wouldn't let the human go that easily if he cares about her!" Dream tries to reason it out.

Ink's pupils turn into red diamonds, "since when did they care?! Especially  that thing?!"

"Ink I think its the best if you call down for a moment, she might hear you." Fell said softly.

Sans looks up, "she already did." He said.

The other skeletons look at where is the Classic Sans is looking and saw the creator looking down at them.

"[Y/n] you should be resting," G said, worried.

"I think I should explain why I got injured.. "

Thirty minutes has passed when you explain to them about the promise you and Dust have.

"But Why Miss [Y/n]?" Blueberry asks in a lower volume.

She sighs, "we would get suspicious. Especially by Nightmare," she said.

Sans is silent for a moment before saying, "I hate it to break into to you kiddo.. I think by this time Nightmare is already doing something to Dust." He said as he looks at her.

"I thought so too, this is why..." she trailed off.

"You wanted to check up on him?" G finishes it.

"Yes," she confirmed his statement to be true.

"But [Y/n]," Ink called out. "You know that is dangerous," he added.

"I know but you can't stop me from worrying. Hold on a second.." she begin thinking. "Error, could you contact Error?" She asks Ink.

Ink eye sockets turned hollow, "why?.."

"Error is the closes one I know in the bad guys including Killer," she said. "Please Ink, just this once."

Ink sighs as he grab her paintbrush and paints the wall.

"You better clean that up Ink," Raven said.

The paint turn into a mirror, as it could see Error's figure.

"WhAt dO YOu wAnT InK?" He asks aggressively towards the skeleton.

[Y/n] steps forward at the mirror-paint, "Error."

Error sockets widen, "[Y/n] are you okay?! How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good, I'm here to asks about Dust." She said.

"Of course you will.." he mumbles. "Dust condition is worst.. he's been beaten up by Nightmare, roughly." He said.

[Y/n] wanted to faint, but keep conscious, "is he healing?"

"Yes but he is unconscious for now. He'll wake up in an our or so." Error informed.

"Thank you, Error. And please update me about him as soon as you can," she said.

"Will do, [Y/n]. I got to go, Nightmare will be looking for me." Error said.

"Alright, be safe."

"You too," the screen faded into normal paint.

[Y/n] let out a sighs, and then looks at them. Especially at Ink. Who's pupils is currently out of place.

"I'll take Ink away before he pukes out ink.." Dream said as he lead Ink in the kitchen. Blueberry following behind.

"What are you planning to do now, [Y/n]?" Classic asks.

She stays quiet before replying,

"We'll have to visit Nightmare . I need to clear out some misunderstandings ."

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