Chapter 17: Traitless Soul

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Everyone in the void stand there in shock, looking at Ink like he grown hundreds of heads or kill a bunch of people. The brothers could feel his undying rage, Nightmare seems a bit fine with it because he's getting feed. But he's more worried about the human getting hurt or worst, killed.

"Ink Lets Talk About This!!" Blue yelled out.

He scoffs, "Talk? Talk about what?" He asks bitterly. "Those filthy pests want [Y/n], they'll treat her horribly. Dust even hurt her," he added.

"Is this how close minded you are?" [Y/n] questioned at Ink.

"What?.." Ink looks at her with confusion.

"I think you have forgotten, you guys are helping to get back home. I won't be staying here for much longer." She sternly said back. "And don't call them a pest! They are also creations Ink! Creations of those creators who are dearly dedicated to their work."

"They made a mistake for making them," Ink said which mostly shock everyone even more. Because its kind of ironic for Ink to say those things.

Just then, the woman looks at him with a glare on their eyes. "I made a mistake for making you soul."

Those words trigger Ink directly at his soul, like its been shot by bullets a bunch of times. Just then he rip his vial holders off him making some of vials crack but not enough for the contents of it to spill.

Ink let out a craze chuckle, "so your very first creation is a mistake? How hilarious!"

"I cAn TAke tHAt sOuL oFF YOu," Error steps up in front of the [h/c] hair woman as he prepares his strings.

"Heh, I like to see you try glitchy boy," Ink said as he pulled out his paintbrush.

The fight has begun, all of them versus Ink sand itself. Ink created a tons of grey version of himself and attack the others. Horror have the first kill of the clone and it turn into dust.

"Its like they're made out of stone or clay itself," the monster mumble under his breath.

Meanwhile, Ink and Error are having a battle. While Ink is ddistracted, the human quickly grab the holder of the vials and run somewhere else.

Cross jump in front of her, "you need to get out of here now!" He firmly stated.

"But what about them?! They are my friends Cross! I could help them by drinking a bit of these vials." [Y/n] stubbornly said.

Cross groan in frustration, "[Y/n] you have a traitless soul!! Drinking this vials will be dangerous for you!" He yelled at her but the other seems to be busy to hear them.

"I'm traitless?..." she mumbles in a questioning manner.

Cross scolded himself for telling this information. "Look up have a blank soul, the worst of that is the fact that the outline of it is black! Hatred surrounds your soul! It keeps it for having a trait if its own!" He exclaimed then he put his hands on her shoulders, "tell me [Y/n], do you have hatred towards others? Or towards yourself?"

She stayed quiet, unable to answer. She opens her mouth and tries to speak, "I..." but not a word came after that.

Cross let out a sigh, only to tense up later when a clone rushes up to them. Cross let out a growl and slice it whit its weapon.

[Y/n] just stands there, unmoving. She seems to be in thought, she could not hear the call of her friends. Her mind flash to a scenario that happened to her 10 years ago.

"Mommy look," a young version of herself called her mom as she raised up a drawing. It was surprisingly detailed.

Her mom sigh, "not now sweetheart." She said as she is leaning against the couch.

"But mom-"

"I said not now!!" The woman growled out of frustration and exhaustion.

The girl stood there frozen, tears streaming down her face. She look at her mother with anger, "I hate you!!!" She runs to her room.

"[Y/n] wait!!" Her mom called out. But before she could stand up the door of her daughter slam shut. She let out a sigh and comb her head backwards.


The next day, she woke up by the sound of sirens. She step down of her bed and go outside. She saw some police officers surrounding something.

"What is going on?" She asks at the police.

"Little miss, I'm very sorry for you're loss." One officer said.

She went in to the space in middle, only to see her mom on the floor. And a bunch of pills around her.

"Mommy," she went to her and shook her. But she didn't wake up like she expected. Being a smart girl she is, she use her index and middle finger to check her pulse. She place it on her neck, her face paled."Mommy..." she begun crying as she hug her mom with all of her strength.

The officer went to comfort her, her father came and went to his child. He cries silently at his wife's death. He picks up the girl and start cradling her, "sh-shhh.. mommy is in heaven now..."

From that day on, she started isolating herself to her room. Shutting everyone out. Blaming herself for the death of her own mother. The father could talk to her a bit, distracting her a bit from the incident. After nine years her dad die of tuberculosis. Leaving her to survive on her own. With the help of her best friend, who welcome her with open arms into his home.

"Mom..." she mumbles as tears streaming down her face.

"[Y/N] WATCH OUT!!!!" G screamed.

She turns around to see a clone ready to strike her. She closes her eyes and waited for 5he impact.

Then Everything went white

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