Chapter 8: Breath

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[Art does not belong to me, credit to the beautiful original artist]

They arrive at the place, her eyes scan the place. It seems like the same Snowdin but the aura seems so different.

"Welcome to Flowerfell," Ink said.

She nods, Blue decided to speak up,"could we start getting along?" He asks at Ink.

Ink smiles and gives him a nod as Blue cheered in excitement.

So they started walking down the path of Snowdin as they talk to each other.

"Lets see... lets do with the basics," he said. "What is your favorite color miss [Y/n]?"

She chuckles a bit, "white. White is my favorite color," she replied.

"Oh, but why white? Its colorless," Blue said to her.

"Because for me, white symbolize light, pureness and beginning." She explained.


"You see, the color white is always thought as a blank or empty at first. But its also the reason why other colors started joining in. It's like welcoming you with open arms," she explained her thoughts to him.

Blue looks at her in awe, so does Dream and the others.

"Okay, next.. hmm.. favorite food?" He asks.

"I really never have one, they all have their own uniqueness of taste." She replied to him.

"Speaking of food, you should try my tacos someday." Blue exclaimed with such a bright smile.

"I heard you put glitter and other stuff in there.."

"Yah, so it will be delicious," he said. Completely oblivious of the outcome of it.

"Do you know... if a human ate something with glitter, it could cause physical harm in their organs?" She asks.

"Really, how so?"  Blue asks.

"For us humans, glitter is quiet poisonous if we consume to many. Plus tacos are suppose to be salty, not sweet. If you want I can teach you the latest version of tacos," she said.

"Yes! Yes! I would love to human!" Blue exclaimed as he jump up and down.

She chuckles as he pat his head, blue's height reach almost her shoulders, being the 5'6 she is.

At the walk, Sans started to tell of some puns. Blue clearly didn't enjoy it as the others did, she is just letting out a sigh with a slight smile on her face on some of the puns.

"Fell!" Ink shouted.

It seems he founded the Sans of Flowerfell, 'Fell' flinch then they spotted them. He then went to them with a small wave,

"It's been a while, Ink." Fell said looking at him.

"Yup, oh yeah, meet [Y/n]." Ink said, as he introduced the female to him.

"I'm [Y/n], as Ink said." She greeted him with a small smile.

"Fell," he reaches out his hand for a handshake. "Don't worry, I don't have any buzzers. Its not the time for that," he continued as he waited.

She shook his hand, "nice to meet you." She said then Fell give her a nod as a reply of understandment.

Ink started explaining your situation to Fell, which he takes it as a serious matter.

"You all can stay here for a while, Boss is at Undyne's. Probably upset," Fell said.

All of them goes to Fell's house, some of them are the living room kitchen.

Fell goes outside for a while, it seems he is feeling down. [Y/n] notice this and followed him ooutside only to see him on standing in front of the house, staring to the falling snow from above.

"Hey Fell," she called out as she walks towards him.

Fell turn towards her, "hey." H greeted then he looks away.

"Are you okay?" She asks.

"I lost my frisk," he said. "I failed her, she then suddenly disappeared from my arms. I love Frisk, and only her, but I know from the start she only what to go to the gardens. So I help her, but then she vanish.. I don't know what to do," Fell said as tears falling from his eye sockets.

She place a hand on his shoulder, which made him look at her. "I know its hard. But trust me, you'll get your frisk back. I also don't know what to do, in the multiverse that I don't know.  I'm always asking this to my self 'should I befriend someone?''should I fight?''should I go alone?''should I trust someone when it comes to this?' And stuff like that. It's also been rougher for me in my world, that pain of yours, is nothing compared to mine." She said as she looks at him straight in the eyes.

"But do you know what I will do first?" She asks to him.

"Breath, never to forget to breath. Breath as you let your muscles relax for a while, let your mind be blank for a while. After that you could plan your next course of action. Try it," she said to him.

Fell nods as he breaths in and breaths out. He breaths in and breaths out as his body relax for, clearing his head as of now.

"What's your plan now?" She asks.

"I'm going to help you guys to restore our frisk, to restore the gem, and to send you back home." Fell said as he looks at her with confidence.

"Good job," she wipe his tears away. "Its okay to cry but don't forget to breath," she said.

She feels his cheeks get warmer, Fell nods.

"Lets head back inside," she said as she remove her hand from his face.

"You go first, I'll catch up later." Fell said looking at her.

"Are you sure?" She asks, and the skeleton replied a nod.

She then went back inside, as fell look up in the sky.

"Frisk wherever you are, we'll come for you and return you back here." He then chuckles at a sudden thought flash in his head, "and please support me on this one. Gonna win this woman's heart, but I will going to have a lot of rivals so... yeah," he then went back in and join the others.

"Don't forget to breath, huh? Out of all people why did you choose them to be your companion," the goopy figure then disappeared.

AU Sanses x Reader [Creator]Where stories live. Discover now