Chapter 20: Captured

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[Short and a bit rushed since one of the comments say they wanna see more.]

After some hours of training and learning, the female lie on the ground, breathing heavily because of exhaustion. The neon clothing skeleton went towards her as he kneels down and gave her bottled water. She mumbles a 'thank you', before sitting up and chugging down the clear liquid.

"Woah there, slow down there gal, you might choke if you drink that too fast," Fresh warned, as a sweat drop from his temple.

She put away the empty bottle of water, "it is better than being dehydrated." She says as her breathing begins to slow down its pace.

"Well, you're not wrong," Fresh says as he tilted his skull from side to side. "But then again I can't relate since I'm a skeleton. We don't have lungs," he added.

"I won't deny on that one," she shrugs.

Fresh looks away, "what will you do if this situation is over?"

"I'll still probably go home, I'll just treasure my memories with them while I'm still here. Even its war and destruction." She says as she starts tossing the water bottle from her left hand to her right hand.

"You're too honest," Fresh says as he let out a small chuckle.

"Why thank you, sir," she says as she does a little bow. "Well, imma take a nap for a bit." She says as she leans against his back. "Seems weird for someone who has insomnia but I'm beat out. Wake me up after an hour." She says as she closes her eyes as her body begin to rest on his.

He let out a sigh, "only if you knew.." he mumbles. "The real identity of your best friend.."


≿————- ❈ ————-≾

Horror let out a deep breath as he stands there in front of the portal, he looks back at the other Sanses. "Is everybody ready?" He asked them. They all let out sync yeses in different ways. They all then jump to the portal then landed in a more emptied room, making Ink panic a bit.

"SToP WiTh yOur wHiNIng InK, " Error let out a frustrated sigh. Then suddenly, all the Sanses got separated from each other as they all let out a scream.

Ink gets trapped in a cage as a golden string is wrapped around his soul outside his cage. "My soul!" He tries reaching it but a barrier keeps putting him back to the same place. Footsteps then could be heard, Ink looked up as his eyes sockets got widen in the sight. "No... No...." He continues mumbling.

The Sanses who are up in the air, thanks to Fresh, also have the same reaction. [Y/n] stood in front of Ink's cage as the strings on his souk is connected to hers. "Ink, " she called.

"Don't do this please!" Ink pleaded. "I'll be good, I promise!!"

"This soul was not meant to be created, you just keep believing that it's real because you thought it was real. But it isn't, maybe, just maybe, this soul is someone else's soul, " [Y/n] says to him as her grip on the strings tighten.

"Don't say that! [Y/n]!" Ink screamed from the cage.

Dream tries to go down to Ink bit Fresh keep restricting him from the area. "Fresh, please! I just need to reason out with [Y/n] then it would be over!"

"Oh please brother, " Nightmare says. "If the creator of the soul wants to destroy their work, just let them be. They have a good reason, " he says.

"How can you say that?!" Dream exclaimed.

G looks at her then looked at Bird, "I'll support her decision." Bird says. "If she wants to do it then she could do it."

"You've been very compassionate recently, "G teased.

"Oh shut up, " Bird says.

Fresh then went beside her, "whenever you are ready." He said.

She then breaths out pull the strings together, shattering the soul. Ink let out a scream of pain as the shattered pieces burst into a bright light, making everybody close their eyes.

[Christmast gift for the readers who keep reading this book.

See you guys next year because I'm never going to write in this book again for another six months.

I'm serious.]


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