Chapter 16:True colors

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Today is the day where they will finally go to the castle of king of nightmares. The woman couldn't help but admit that she is feeling nervous. Fearing of the outcome when they will arrive there. Many possibilities went through her mind, good or bad ones. Mostly bad because of some misunderstandings and judgements.

The original Sans place a hand on her shoulder as he smiles reassuringly. "Do not worry, if something goes off we'll protect you and leave immediately."

[Y/n] let out a sigh and looks at him, "let's hope so. But I cannot help but feel I'm the cause of another fight." She responded as she tries to keep her heartbeat steady.

"And always remember," Fell says as he step in the conversation. "To breath, that's what you told me right?" He asks as he pats her head gently.

She nods then embrace the two skeletons, "thank you guys." She said as her hug tightens a bit.

The two skeletons return the hug with their perspective color of blush on their faces. They give her let before letting go of eachother.

Ink stands there as he watches the scene unfold. His hands turns into fist as he is feeling something in his new soul that the woman made. His irises turn into red diamonds. He can't help but feel jealous, he wants to be in the warmth of the [h/c] woman. The one who will she be thanking too. The one will hold her close.

Dream steps out of the kitchen as he feels something strange from the atmosphere. He founds out that his friend is the source of the negativity, so he called him out. "Ink, are you alright?"

The artistic skelton snaps back into reality as he faces his friend with a now normal pupils. "Y-yeah, I'm alright don't worry." He replied with a awkward laugh. He knows he can't not keep secrets towards his co-worker at the multiverse.

Dream let out a sigh, "you can tell me about everything, you know that right? Just tell me when you're ready," he said and he walks off to find the other skeletons.

"One day, one day..." Ink mumbles as she looks at the woman he adored. "I'll make you mine."


"Is everyone ready?" The tallest skeleton asks as he looks at his allies. Everyone give a yes or a nod as a reply to his question.

"Thank you for everything, Raven." [Y/n] said as she warmly smiles.

"You're always welcome." He said.

They both embrace each other for a while before parting away from each other. Dream and Ink, by combining there power, created a portal leading to Nightmare's castle. Of course with the help of Error. [Y/n] wave bye at the hybrid before they all then hop on carefully in the portal. By two point five seconds they arrive at the main hall of the castle.

They could see Error standing there, waiting for them. Error is glad when he saw [Y/n] in a good condition. "You better thank me, it's hard to convince them to stay in one place." Error start speaking.

[Y/n] chuckles nervously, "haha. I'm sorry for the trouble," she said.

Error shook his skull, "it is alright. I'll do anything for you."

"Even when I ask you to hug Ink?" She asks raising a brow with a smirk on her face. Ink looks at her with shocking confusion while Error with disgust and displeasure.

"And of course we have expectations on that one, HaHa," Error chuckles sarcastically as he glares at Ink.

"Lets go-" G was cut off by a flying axe which he successfully dodge.

"I know something was off," Horror's voice said in a bit far distance. The other crews behind him.

Nightmare step out and saw the woman he desperately want to see. [Y/n]..." He breaths out and about to reach out towards her. Until Dream went in front of her and cover her, earning a growl from his brother.

The [h/c] hair woman breaths out as she start speaking up, "we came here to clear some misunderstandings-". Her face went pale when she saw Dust in a poor condition. A bandage around his skull and boney arms, he seems like he could not walk straight properly. His eyes was quite dull for a moment before seeing the woman who's about to faint .

Dust let out a weak chuckle as he does a small wave, "I'm alright." He smiles at her. "This is like a bite of ants, even though I have no skin." He tries to joke out to cheer up the woman.

"Yeah!" Killer join in, "I won't let this big boy by himself." He past Dust on the back.

She gives them a nod and then look back at Nightmare, "like I said. I want to clear out some misunderstandings, especially the promise."

"Then we shall talk, in private." Nightmare said

"NO!" Ink suddenly scream causing everyone one in the room flinch.

A sweat drop of her forehead as she tries to talk to her, "Ink-"

"Can't you see [Y/n]?! They will take you away! He will take you away!" From us! FROM ME!" Ink looks at her with rage in his soul and pupils.

"Ink," she called out. "I'm just here to clear out some misunderstandings." She tries to stay calm. "I'm here to make you guys to be frien-"

Ink cuts her off, "Friends?! Friends?!! With them?!" He points at the other group from the other guys.

"Ink!" G steps in, "don't yell at the lady!!" He said as he glares down at him.

Nightmare is somehow amused at what is Ink's emotions. While Dream is worried for his friend. But he could not comfort him for now, he thought his co-worker may lash out.

Ink ignores G and keeps looking at the human, "Why?! Why does it have to be them you should protect?! You should talk too?! We are here right beside you [Y/n]! I'm here right beside you, to support you!" He breaths out but he continue. "Yet you want to know what's Dust condition. Have you forgotten about us? Have you forgotten about me?"

Her heartbeat quickened, not because of fear or terror but annoyance and displeasure. She cletches her fist for her to control it.

Cross, who doesn't spoke yet until nnow opens her mouth and say, "you're finally showing your true colors." [No pun intended]

"Okay okay," Classic spoke up. Not comfortable for the change of the atmosphere. "Look, lets get this thing over with. I hope it is fine if one of us comes with [Y/n] when talking to Nigthmare." He looks at Nightmare, who gives out a hesitant nod. He sighs mentally in relief that the king of nightmares cooperate.

"A-and," Fell stutter out causing everyone to look at them. "Make a peace treaty."

"He's right," Horror surprisingly speak. "We should balance the world, there can't be always good and bad. Because life will not get any sense anymore. I might like killing but that doesn't mean I will not get bored of it."

"And I'm expecting the miss will help us." Cross added to his statement.

[Y/n] gives out a nod, "yes. I shall do what I can."

"We should make an Alliance!"- Dream

"But we should understand each others first, fix our mistakes from the past."-G

"Communication will be the key," -Dust.

"When can forgive but not forget." Killer

"Give chances to people.. or monsters ,"-Fell

"Sharing stories!" -Blue and Blackberry.

"And make new friendship," [Y/n]

Just then they we're all transported into a void, Ink standing there with a glowing red diamond pupils. He finally snap out as he release all of his rage out.


To be continued...

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