Chapter 10: Letting Out Hidden Emotions

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Its been days since they arrive at the AU of the bird hybrids. [Y/n] still remember how they all encounter the Sans of the AU. When Ink is talking to him, 'Bird' or 'Raven' seems to be calm with a normal smile on his face. He agreed on letting them stay, so the sanses go to his house first to settle in, leaving the female and the new Sans that she encounter.

"Hello, my name is [Y/n]-" she was cut off by the glare that Raven sent to her. Chills went up to her spine.

"No need to introduce, Ink already told me." Raven spat harshly as he have a frown on his face.

A sweat slides down from her temple, not expecting to be his greeting will welcoming and nice.

In his house, they're all getting along. Raven just ignore the presence of the female, and just say words to her from time to time. When the others are like gone, he always sent of a intimidating stare. She feels like she wanted to go to the corner or wanting the earth to just swallow her.

Sometimes Bird 'accidentally' bumping to her or spreading out his wings and 'not knowing' it could possibly hit her. There is one time she almost slip because of him accidentally spilling out water on the floor.

There is some time where [Y/n] tried to talk to him.

"Ra-" -[Y/n]

"Don't talk to me," he said with venom laced in his voice.

She just sighs mentally, not knowing on how to get along with bird skeleton.

At this day, the two are alone again. She have to swallow her saliva to ease off her nervousness. The two felt uncomfortable with each others presence.

"Could I ask you something?" She asks.

"Aren't you already asking?" He replied as he looks at her with that stare again. He sighs, "go ahead."

"Are you feeling uncomfortable or unease because I'm a human? I mean.. I wouldn't blame you.." She asks calmly but she can still feel her nervousness arising even more.

"No, not because you're a human. Because of the theory that I have that you are the cause of my Frisk's disappearance." He answers which lead the female to get more uncomfortable and wanting to bolt out of the room.

"Why is that?"

"Ever since you arrive at the multiverse, every Frisk, including mine, stared disappearing with out a trace. Those Frisk, are the key to our freedom. Maybe you're one of them, who thinks us as a garbage or a waste, who doesn't belong to exist." He continued as the air became thick around them.

"Look, I'm very sorry that your Frisk disappeared. I want to help all of you to solve this case in the multiverse. I'm not one of those people, who treated other kinds as a waste of space." She replied, her bravery kicking in.

"You might be genocida-"

"I'm not a genocidal person!" She snap. "I'm not one of those people who think killing is a freaking pleasure! Why are you bringing this up?! If you think I am one, I wouldn't even get along with the sanses you have seen with me! All I ever wanted is to go back to a place I called home!"

This is when Raven is starting to look annoyed as he avoid her question and want to say something about it, "Don't you think you're being selfish using those Sanses for your own needs? All you wanted is to go back home and to leave us here suffering?! You're just like those filthy humans who trap us in!"

"You're calling me selfish?! Do you think I wanted you all to suffer?! As soon as I heard about  this case in the multiverse, I know that need to help! As farther we could dig to this case I could find a key on how will I able to go back home and also to help all of you! I'm trap on this multiverse not knowing what to do!! I feel like I'm trap in a big cage with so many obstacles, with so many locks!" She continue letting out her frustration and stress that she's been keeping inside.

This when Raven is feeling something on his non existing chest. He tries to shrug it off as he answer back, "don't try act innocent here kid! Guilt tripping me ain't going to make me change my mind about you!"

"Guilt tripping?! Are you serious!?"

"We always welcome the presence of humans here in Ebott, but what your kind do is to trap as in because of their selfishness! We always get manipulated and hunted by hunters, we don't know if we will still live or not! When Frisk appear, we know there is a change to settle this! Then when YOU came, our frisk disappeared! Now we are suffering more without no hope on getting out!! How about you?!"

The two didn't notice that G, Dream and Ink already entered the room, looking at the two of them worried. Dream sensing their emotions and auras is making him feel uncomfortable and wanting to help them both.

"Leave them be.." Ink whispered to him.

"But Ink," dream tries to reason him.

"Ink is right, let them take this kind of matters to themselves. Let them hear each others words for them to be able to realize things that they shouldn't miss out and able to fix it." G quietly said to them.

Dream quietly sighs and nods, the three continue watch them.

"How about me? Whhen those bad guys started appearing I thought I will be dead or I will get killed! But I have to stay calm and not to panic for them to see that I'm not afraid of them! I'm always afraid at every step that I take because I don't want to cause a mistake!" [Y/n] started breathing heavily at those words.

Ink tries not to wince at that particular word.

"All I wanted is to help, I don't care if you will continue treat me like that. You have no choice but to deal with me being around. Don't compare me to those humans you called filthy, you don't know what I've been through! You don't know how people in the place I called 'home" treated me, yet I still wanted to go back. Because i know I don't belong here in this multiverse, because I'm only a human who doesn't suppose to be here in this world."

The feeling on his chest is getting more stronger, he couldn't figure it out. He just looks at her, still with the glare but doesn't want to look at her directly in the eyes.

"The longer that I stay and this case is going to be, the harder I will be able to get out. And when I finally arrive at my home, I will say to myself, 'I shouldn't have leave the multiverse.'' I shouldn't have leave the friends the I have created.' 'I shouldn't have wish to go back home.' As we figure this case faster, you wouldn't see me or feel my existance anymore." She looks at him with a strong stare.

She then stands up and walks out of the room, passing the three skeletons that is watching them.

Bird is just there, as his hands is clutching each other, looking down. He finally know what he is feeling, 'shame' and 'guilt'. Shame for his actions towards her, and guilt for saying those words and not thinking it through.

G went to his side and patted him on the back. "Don't worry, as much as I know about her, she wouldn't plant any anger or hate towards you."

Raven sighs and stands up, he go to his oom to take a nap, its been a long day.

"Would they be okay?" Dream asks.

"I hope so," Ink replied as he looks at the two.

[I did say book are going hiatus, but when i started drawing Birdtale!Sans I got this idea.

All sanses [Y/n] encountered are nice, its time another sans to appear who have a strong personality and going to be harsh.]

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