Chapter 3: Friends?

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Many people will walk
In and out of our life,
But only true friends
Will leave footprints
In your heart
-Eleanor Roosevelt

"So uh, lets start a conversation shall we?" Sans ask with a lazy grin.

"What kind of conversation?" [Y/n] asks at the smaller skeleton, but probably meters taller than her.

"Well, there is a skele-tons of conversation. Serious way, friendly way, or a humorous way that can tickle your funny bone," he said.

She sighs, "you and your puns." She said with a grin.

"Hey miss, could you tell us about your world?" G asks.

"Of course," she said. "So for starters, humans live there, but they have no magic whatsoever or magic don't exist there. The animals can't talk, like the monsters here in the underground that resembles an animal."

They hums, then she continued, "let's go to your fandom. This is might be a fourth wall breaking, so Undertale, made in September, 2015. The Creator of the Undertale is named Toby Fox[am I right?]. Then fanmade AUs are made, that became an alternate universe. Like Underswap, Underfell, Swapfell, Horrortale, and many more. But now, lets talk about your fangirls ."

"We have fangirls?" G asks.

"Yes," she replied. "Fan girls, the girls where I live, loves you and draw themselves and Sans, and say they are in a relation ship.

There are different types of fangirls, first of all, the normal one. Where they say, they love Sans, idolize him, know that he is fictional character.

Second is the yandere fangirl, they are the one who killed other fangirls because they want Sans all of to their selves.

Luckily that kind of fangirls decrease, next one is a Mary Sue. Fangirls who are, over powered. Like if they killed, they won't because they got protection that no one can break.

There are much more, but I don't want to say it all. Not all fangirls are bad,  sometimes some of them went too far," she informs them.

"Damn, " they said in union. "Do they also make story about us?" Sans ask.

"Yes, they do. Some of the creators, made some comics, some of them have stories, some of them are just for fun, like they are creating timeline of their own. Some of them have ships, where characters are being.... how do I say this... being combine like they have a relation ship. Some of them even ship you with Chara, or Frisk," she said looking at Sans.

His eys went hollow for a while before returning his limericks as he sweatdrop, "I'm not paedophile."

"I know, so they made frisk older like teenager. 16 years old and above perhaps?" She thinks. "Anyway, how was your Frisks, or Charas?" She ask.

"That's one of the problem here too, they have gone missing. When I  went to Ink and tell him that the gem was missing, it was 2 weeks ago when they went missing." Sans said.

"Players perhaps? I mean they control Frisk, chose a route, and made Chara convince a Frisk to a genocide I think." She responded.

"I kinda hated the fact that they think this was just a game, have you ever do genocide?" G asks.

She shooks her head, "I've only do the pacifist and that's all."

"Plus Sans," she called.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I'm going to teach your brother how to make different food other than pasta," she stated randomly.

Sans blinks at first, seems like he is trying to process things, then he started chuckling, "what ever you say kiddo."

"Would you like me to make a snack for the three of us?" She asks.

"Sure, there are ingredients over there in the kitchen." G said at him, he can deny the fact that he wants to taste her cooking.

The female pulls out a bowl from the cabinet and grabs some eggs from the fridge. She cracks it and put the uncook-liquid-egg-thing on the bowl and throw the shells say in the trashcan. She started mixing it up, she grabs a pan and put it on the stove. She turn the stove on as fire comes out, she out the fire low. She pour some oil then the mixed egg.

[Time skip]

She set some omelet on the three plates. She serve Sans and G the plate of omelet of their own. They uses the fork then takes a bit of the omelet.

"Mmm.. this is good, you will be a great mother someday [Y/n]." G said.

She chuckles as she blushes slightly," ill be taking that as a compliment. Thank you," she said.

Sans gives a thumbs up, as he eats. She eats her omelet aswell.

After they're done, [Y/n] washes the plates with the help of G since Sans is already sleeping. They put back where the plates are place before then goes back to the living room.

'I guess this journey wouldnt be so bad.'

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