Chapter 4: A somehow 'nice' encounter

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Its been days since [Y/n] started living with G. Sans mostly visits because he needs to check up his brother. Ink doesn't much visits, he always tell the stories of how he encounter Error!Sans at a random time. He is sometimes alone but also with his gang.

She and G is always having a conversation, with a nice cup of tea or coffee. She was actually surprise G is not really flirty as the fandom put it. She is really enjoying their company, but she have to get back home soon.

"Hey [Y/n]?" G called out for her.

She looks at her and replied, "yes?"

"Could you do me a favor?" He asks.

"Alright, what is it?" She asks at him.

He walks up to her, "could you buy me some supplies at Grillby's? Just say tool supplies to him and he will get it." He said then she nods, "here." He give the money, and he wrap around her scarf around her neck.

"Thank you, I'll be off now," she said. She then go out of his house and start heading for Grillby's.

She glances around as she walks, "I will never get the logic why its snowing here. Mother nature perhaps? Or someone just shredding an ice from above?" She mumble to herself.

"Quit mumbling to yourself, human." A voice said.

She flinch as she glance where the voice came from.

"So human, mind explaining why your here before I kill you to level up my level and status?" A hooded skeleton said.

"You're.." her voice becoming quiter as she said the first word.

"Dust!Sans at your service," he grins.

"Oh, okay cya later mister." She said then walks off heading to Grillby's.

"Wait wah.. Hey human, wait!" He shouted at her, dumbfounded.

She stops and turn around at him, "yes?"

"Aren't you suppose to be like.. I don't know.. screaming or running for help?" He asks.

"Should I be scared?" She asks.

He stayed quiet for a moment as he looks at her. He then grins, "am I not scary enough?"

"I've seen worst," she said.

"Like what?"

"It's actually like I've been through worst. Like.. you lose someone but you know you have to keep strong in order for you to keep going." She said straightforward.

Those words echoed in his skull, he chuckles at her. "Your amusing human." He said as he walks to her. "Where are you going?" He asks.

"To Grillby's," she replied to him.

"That's not the way, come with me." He said the grab her hand then started leading her to where is Grillby's located.

" He said the grab her hand then started leading her to where is Grillby's located

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[Art belongs to me so please don't steal]
"Am I suppose to trust you?" She asks.

"Girl, I know Snowdin for a long time. So I know where are we going," he said.

"Murder!Sans is your other title am I right?" She asks.

They stop, "how did you know?" He asks looking at her.

"Truth be told, I didn't came from here. Like in this multiverse," she said.

"So.. like other dimension?" He asks.

"Yeah, and how I know? The fandom." -[Y/n]

"Wait, where some humans fangirling about us?" He asks.


"I should be murdering you right now."- Dust

"You can't because you seem interested about our world?" She asks.

"Technically yes," he said then they go the started walking again. "Oh yeah what's your name? And also age if you don't mind." He asks.

"I'm [Y/n] and I'm 21 years old." She replied at him.

"You look young, like a teen." He said.

"I'll taking that as a complement," she said.

"Why are you going to Grillby's?" He asks.

"I need to by some supplies for G," she said.

"Oh that half-half?" He replied.

"Half-half?" She asks.

"Half Sans half Gaster," he said.

". . . Okay," she said. He chuckles at her, like how any normal Sans would chuckle.

"So after this, what would you do?" She asks .

"I'll let you off the hook," he said.

"Wouldn't you get beat in your castle?.." she asks.

"I won't if I keep my mouth shut about you. This is the first and maybe the last time I'm going to be merciful to a human," he said.

"They said that the Frisks and Charas have gone missing..." she said.

"Thank Asgore's beard about that," he breaths out as he sighs.

[Y/n] let out a chuckle, they arrive at Grillby's.

Dust let goes of her hand then she goes in to buy supplies. Dust look at his hand, "my hand feels cold now.." he mumbles then put his both hands in his pockets.

After a minute or so she comes out carrying the supplies. "I'm surprise that you waited for me," she said.

"Eh, I don't want you to get lost in the other direction again." He said then grab her hand then start leading him to G's house.

"Wouldn't he get mad if he found you?" She asks.

"Definitely yes," Dust and [Y/n] flinch at the familiar voice. They spotted G in front of them, about 10 feet away or so.  He seems to be glaring at Dust and glancing at [Y/n], worried.

"Look who decided to show up," Dust grins at him. "You shouldn't just made the lady here to be alone," he added.

"Yes, with the someone like you." He replied at him. He summon his Gaster blasters and its aiming at him.

Dust look at the female beside him, still holding her hand, "well I better go now." He then let go of her hand, "don't want to keep the king waiting. I'll keep this meeting a secret," he chuckles then opens the portal and hops it then it closes.

G's gaster blaster disappeared, he then runs to her and hold her by the shoulders. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?" He asks worried.

"I'm fine, he didn't hurt me." She replied at him.

He sighs in relief, "I shouldn't have let you go alone. Once you left I already got a feeling that something will happened. But it was bothering me so I came to check it but soon as I was mid-way I saw you, with Dust."

"He didn't hurt me in anyway," she said.

"Luckily, lets go back." He said then they both started heading back.

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