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Miss Stewart get back to work! And you, Miss Germanotta, come with me! To my office!

Sarah formed an "I'm sorry" with her lips, stroked her shoulder gently for a moment and left. As Stefani walked into Bradley's office, he slammed the door behind her.

What the hell?

She innocently sat down on one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

How dare you to tell her I have a daughter? How dare you to tell lies! I hope you know that I'm printing a termination for you, right now!

He paced back and forth, occasionally taking a sip of his precious whiskey.

I'm her father? Ha, you don't believe that yourself, do you!? How hilarious!? How can-

Almost 5 years ago we met at a bar.

His wide artificial smile slowly disappeared.

Anyone could say that now. You know what? I don't even want to hear your little tale. Just get out of here! And trust me, if you think you can bring such lies into the world, I can be different. Then you'll really get to know me! I don't think you know who you're dealing with.

He unbuttoned his jacket button and sat down. At the same time he pointed a finger at her.

You told me about your father that day. He meant a lot to you and your mother gave you his ring as a memento.
We drank wine together, red wine, and La vie en Rose was playing in the background. I was a little drunk and accidentally spilled something on your shirt.

His gaze was in the air. His eyes narrowed and he remembered. The images reappeared in his mind and he muttered the details to himself.

The most beautiful green eyes I have ever seen. You were wearing a white summer dress. I remember ... Shit!

He grabbed his forehead and thought back to the moment.

I gave you the rose then and-

And told me that you love me. I knew you wouldn't mean those words because you were so drunk and I had to laugh. The man at the bar gave me the meanest look a person could ever have. It almost came to a brawl, but I was able to hold you back. We then went up to my room and I'm sure you can imagine the rest.

He looked at her and followed her eyes.

And- you're sure that, so Ally she isn't from your husband?

She shook her head a little disappointed. With a trembling hand, she pointed to his wrist.

That spot there, Allison has it too. Believe me I hoped so much that she's Michael's child!

But wait, how? Does he even know about it?

In disbelief, he stroked a finger over the slightly darker spot on his skin.

No! I he should never know!

Ah, ok-

At that time we were in a very bad way, we had a break, but when he found out that I was pregnant-

I understand. Glad I was a help!

Please! It must remain a secret!

Yes, yes, no one will know from me.

A shaky sigh crossed her lips. He propped his elbows on the table and rubbed his eyes. There was silence between the two. Stefani didn't know what to say or where to look.
Bradley was still sitting silently in his chair, lost in thought, until suddenly the door opened.

Mamii! Oh B!

Ally NO! Allison! Get over here!

The little girl ran to her mother hugged her legs briefly and then went to Bradley.
The two adults looked into each other's eyes a little shocked.
A panting Michael came through the door. He was breathing heavily and looked a little sweaty.

I'm so sorry! She was just too fast.

What are you doing here?

She looked at her husband, hoping he wouldn't notice that Ally was by now sitting on Bradley's lap, holding his hand.

I- you had forgotten some papers and I didn't know if they were important so-

She thought it was cute how thoughtful he was.

Oh, eh, thank you very much. The papers aren't that important but it's very sweet that you drove all the way over!

Bradley's attention turned to the little girl's wrist. She actually had the same mark as he did, in the exact same spot.

Oh. Well, I tried calling you, but you didn't answer. I didn't know where you were, I-

Again, she knew it was an accusation. A certain undertone in his voice upset her and her answer came out sharper than she intended. Bradley also noticed the tension. He whispered something briefly in Ally's ear, to make her laugh a bit.

I was here! At work! Where else would I have been?

Excuse me for trying to take care of you! I'm sorry! Come on Ally, we don't want to keep Mommy from work!

When Michael turned around he saw that the little girl was sitting in the chair with Bradley, drawing something. She was completely absorbed in her little world.

Come here now!

Ally ignored him and kept drawing until Michael had  enough.


I don't want yet, dad!

Meanwhile, Stefani tried to hold back a few tears. Right now her life was a disaster, it was the complete opposite of what she had hoped for. A new nicer life with more time for the family and instead she was fighting with her husband and met Ally's real father again. Within no time her life was turned upside down.

I don't care if you want to or not! You have to go to kindergarten and I have to go to work!

He lifted her from the chair and put her on the floor. The young girl protested and tried to break free from Michael's grip, without success.

Michael, let her go! Don't hurt her!

He didn't let go of her hand and walked with quick steps to the elevator. Ally tried to follow him, but he was too fast. At the fast pace, her short legs started to wobble more and more and she buckled and fell down.
Immediately Stefani ran to her and Cooper had also noticed and was beside her. When Michael turned around and heard the little girl crying, he also wanted to go to her.

Don't you dare! Get out of here! She stays here today! Go!

He snorted and disappeared. Turning back to the action, she saw Bradley tending to the little girl. He took her in his arms and got her a band-aid for the small bloody spot on her knee.

I'll be right back.

She gave her daughter a kiss on the head and tried to calm her down a little as she squatted in the chair in front of her.

I am so sorry my mouse! As an apology, we'll get you some ice cream later? Is that ok?

Ally sniffled and her bottom lip wiggled a little. Bradley came back with a cooling pad in his hand.

Here, put this on your leg. It will help.

He squatted down next to Stefani and smiled gently at her. Carefully, he held Ally's small hand and gently stroked her fingers.

B? Are you coming for ice cream?

Ehh Ally so you know-

It- it would be very nice!

A little surprised, he looked into her green eyes. Just then Sarah came around the corner, but stopped when she saw the picture in front of her.

Ehem, so Mrs. Germanotta.

He stood up and buttoned his suit as soon as he saw Sarah.

If I could ask you to get back to work. If Ally needs anything else, just let Sarah know. I'll see you later.

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