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No, let me!

Ally ran up the stairs, straight to her room, when in parallel Michael also came back.
Stefani stood in the kitchen drying some glasses and just rolled her eyes.

Something is wrong with her.

It's a disgusting feeling when nobody talks to you, isn't it?

She screwed up her face and put the glass in the cupboard. The fridge opened and he took out a yogurt, sat down on the sofa and started spooning the sweet dessert.

Hey, do you want to go out tomorrow night?

Thriumphing, she showed him the invitation card. By now she was sitting on the back of the sofa, right next to him.

To the Parker event? Only all the rich businessmen go there.

His eyes grew wide.

Are you a member?

With great horror, she shook her head. He looked at the card again before his eyes met hers again.

Bradley has- The invitation is from him.

Ouh and you're going to drag me along?

Stefani was a little indignant.

I don't know who else?

Annoyed, she crossed her arms in front of her chest.

If you'd rather stay here and sulk, that's your decision. In any case, I'm going to listen to Alice Stein's speech.

Bradley does that on purpose, doesn't he? First he makes out with you, and now he wants to show me up. There's nothing there but arrogant jerks! He wants to show you how much money he has and what he can afford.

Stefani frowned and her look became a little sadder.

In all the years of our marriage, have I given you the slightest feeling that our life is not enough for me?

They both looked at each other.

Alice Stein is a very interesting woman, with very instructive approaches, and I'm not going to let your jealousy ruin my opportunity to get to know her personally.

Angry and disappointed, she walked up the stairs.

Where are you going?

I'm going to check on Ally.


Is my suit already ironed? For tomorrow?

Not yet, Mr. Cooper.

I want it done immediately!

Yes, sir.

And bring me a new bottle of whiskey!

Right away, sir!

He leaned back comfortably in his chair and let himself drift in his thoughts. In one hand he held the cloth with which he had wiped her lipstick after their kiss. He stared at the pinkish red color and a slight smile flitted across his face.

And I'll get you after all ...


So if you think that's right what you're doing, go ahead, but I'm having a good time on my own. I'm going to the hairdresser now!

She took her bag, put on her coat and went out the door.

Oh well, in case you change your mind, the babysitter would watch Ally.

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