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During her lunch break, she had decided to give her husband a surprise. Sarah wasn't in the house anyway, so she went home to give him the gift right away. When she opened the apartment door and slid the big package in, she was immediately greeted by her daughter, Michael and Steven. 

Can someone help me out here? It's pretty hard to get this big thing in here!

Steven immediately stood up and helped her slide the package in. Ally just stood next to her and clapped excitedly. 

What store did you raid?

It's just a gift for my husband!

There was a proud undertone in her voice.

It even has an integrated DVD player! You can watch the sports show even if you don't have time!

It even has 3D effects.

Yeah, come on Steven, will you help me unpack? 

Michael just stood there the whole time and didn't really know what to say or do. In his head the gears were rattling and he tried to explain what was happening. When Stefani carefully removed the rest of the cardboard, a huge television set became visible.

Are you crazy? That thing costs a fortune! Did you rob a bank or win the lottery? 

Yes ... No, I paid for it with a check from Cooper Industry, as a bonus for good performance.

Stefani was happy and Ally and Steven smiled at her, too. The only one with a grim face was Michael.

Bradley Cooper buys us a TV?

The disappointment, or perhaps horror, was clearly audible in his face and voice. Stefani had also lost her joyful expression. His words hit her hard.

Bradley didn't buy it for us! The money comes from the department management!

Steven noticed the tense atmosphere in the room, slowly took his jacket and wanted to leave. He didn't want to be around when they were both arguing, and in fact, he wanted to take Ally with him if he had known it was okay for the two of them. Instead, he took the little girl up to her room and distracted her a bit more before he finally left.

Again and again the same scam!

Damn it, the money comes from the department head!

Hmm, you don't know what he told them! He is the boss there and if he wants something, then the others only carry out orders! He tries again and again!

Something changed in her eyes when she heard his words. Not only had he brought up the old topic again, but at the same time he had shown no respect for her hard work. She had been so proud when she had gotten the check because of the big deal and her husband blamed it all on just another seduction tactic by Cooper. There was an unbearable silence between them for a moment. Stefani took off her coat, walked past him and began clearing the table where he and Steven had been sitting until a few minutes ago. 

He's got you wrapped around his finger again just like he does with all those other women! What's next? 

She hastily walked past him without even looking at him.

Hmm, tell me what's next? A fancy convertible? 

In anger, she threw the plates into the sink, a miracle they hadn't broken, and hastily turned to him. Her normally bright green eyes suddenly sparkled at him.

All these years I've been considerate of you and your work! How many times have Ally and I been alone or trailing behind you just because you had crappy meetings somewhere? 

The Italian temper came out again, but she just managed not to lose control.

And I used to go along with it! Why? Because I love you and because I've always been proud of you and your work! 

He turned to the side and avoided her gaze.

And now? Now that I'm doing something I'm really proud of, you're ruining everything for me. You talk down my success and act as if I didn't deserve something like that. It can't be because of my performance, it's not worth anything, that's right, you're right.

She threw her hands in the air and imitated him in another voice. Her body straightened as she took a step towards him.

Do you really think Bradley doesn't see me as more than a pair of boobs and an ass? 

They looked at each other, but he said nothing. He just stood motionless, looking for an answer that would appease her, but it was the truth. That's exactly what he thought. Wordless, she walked past him, briefly up to Ally to give her a kiss and then out of the apartment to head back to work.


Deep in thought and still hurt by her husband's opinion, she made her way to her office. Listlessly, she tossed her coat and bag over her office chair. Just as she was about to sit down, she spotted a small box on her desk. Puzzled, she frowned and looked at the small box more closely. It was white, laced with gold ribbon. There was no note next to it, so she was forced to take a look inside so she could figure out who the box was from. As she lifted the lid a note flew out at her

"As a thank you and token of my appreciation, Bradley".

She read the text silently and then looked back into the box. As she pulled the contents out of the box, she didn't realize that Bradley had been standing in the doorway to his office watching her the entire time. 

I assumed that you would use the check to buy something for your family rather than for yourself, so I thought-. 

Seeing the look on her face, the corners of his mouth dropped a bit too and he took a few steps towards her.

Let me guess, you're probably thinking now if it's an appropriate gift and you get to keep it. 

She looked at the floor for a few seconds, then back up into his eyes.

I'm surprised you're being honest enough to credit me with your success with Ms. Stein.


He tilted his head slightly.

I don't have to give myself credit for every success, I know how good I am just the same.

He had that typical flirtatious and provocative smile on his face again.

You want to impress me.

She had to smile a bit too. He raised an eyebrow curiously.

So, is it working?

She looked sheepishly at the beautiful green scarf in her hands, but then shook her head and laughed. 


They both smiled at each other and stopped briefly at that moment, then she became more serious again.

Although the scarf is really beautiful! 

His eyes were fixed on her, it almost seemed like he was in a trance as she put the cloth back in the box and pressed it into his hands. 

I still can't take it! 

He woke up from his stare and also became a bit more serious again.

But that's a pity! You would have deserved it!

I didn't deny it, because I know how good I am!

If that is so, keep it. I would be very happy!

It became silent again for a short time and they stared into each other's eyes. Stefani was completely torn and this blue didn't make it any easier for her. With a small cheeky grin he took another step closer.

The color matches your eyes perfectly, by the way!

They stayed in this position for a second, then he turned around and went back to his office. Stefani was still standing in the same place, watching him. Then her attention fell back on the box. Too many things had happened in the last 30 minutes to make a rational decision.

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