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She had just finished her shopping when she decided to go to the company.
The walk was fortunately not long, much to the delight of the heavy bag over her shoulder.
On the way there, she had tried to reach Michael several times, but his phone was switched off. She was a little worried because his plane should have landed by now, so she called Steven. She knew he was always there when a business trip was coming up.

Hey, is everything okay with you guys? I'm just worried because Michael's not answering his cell phone.

Eh, everything's fine with me. Michael is not here, why should he? Did something happen?

She frowned.

Well, he said he'd call as soon as your plane landed.

Plane? Weren't you supposed to go on vacation together?


I thought you guys left today?

No, there was- something came up. We're good. I think I just made a mistake. You wouldn't happen to know where he is right now, would you?

No, I'm sorry.

Thank you so much anyway.

He had lied to her and it made her sick. He had lied more than just to her. Not only to her, but to his best friend.
When the door from the elevator opened, she just saw the person she needed the least right now standing right in front of the reception desk. She placed the check on the counter in front of him and then walked back into the elevator. He had just enough time to turn around and see that it was her. With quick steps, he hurried to the door and pushed his body past the steel, next to her.

Stefani, I don't want the money!

I don't want to owe you anything!

You're not! I just might have ... overreacted.

It was quiet for a moment and no one said anything. Only the sound of the elevator could be heard.

Didn't you forget something?

She looked at him a little questioningly.

If you now expect me to say goodbye to you formally, then you-

Nonsense, we'll see each other again anyway.


She raised her eyebrows and waited for him to tell her the answer.

Yes then, what have I forgotten?

He held up a white envelope and showed it to her. She took the envelope and opened it skeptically.

My job reference. At first glance, even quite positive.

Her eyes read the text written on the paper. Bradley leaned against the elevator wall and watched her.

At second glance, too.

I'd better have it checked again, there are certain phrases ...

Such as, had a good relationship with the boss?

Somehow he had managed to put a little smile on her face.

You're not that stupid.

Oh, I'll take that as a compliment!

They looked into each other's eyes for a brief moment, but then Stefani turned away.

I didn't want you to leave.

The elevator had reached the last floor and the doors opened.

Come on, I'll drive you home.

No need, I can manage on my own.

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