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Only a little later they reached the kitchen.

Now I show you that I'm a great cook. Some delicious scrambled eggs?

I don't really know if that's such professional behavior-

A boss should always take care of his employees, a very professional way.

He quickly gathered the things he needed for scrambled eggs and set about cooking. Skeptically, Stefani stood next to him and watched what he was doing. Every now and then her gaze would wander from the things he was doing over his body. She became more and more aware that he was a really very attractive man, she couldn't deny that. 
His gaze went to her and a grin formed on his face as he realized she was staring at him.

Scrambled eggs first, dessert later!

With a furrowed brow, she looked at him.


The scrambled eggs are ready.

He took the pan and scraped the contents onto a plate.
The lady who's usually cooking came into the kitchen and wrinkled her nose.

Meh, what's that smell?

She looked over his shoulder, then took the things she needed and just shook her head as she went back outside.

These beautiful eggs! What a waste!

Bradley rolled his eyes in annoyance, but then went on with what he was doing.

Hard to believe, I always wanted to marry this woman when I was a child.

A little giggle escaped Stefani. Like a gentleman, he pulled a chair back for her so she could sit down. She sat down.

I don't want to say anything, but your eggs are slippery.

What? That can't be right.

He took a fork, speared a bit of scrambled egg and held it out to her.

My eggs are the best!

With raised eyebrows, she looked at him and opened her mouth. She chewed a little and then sighed.

Well, so-

Ouh what's going on here?

Quickly, as if caught, they turned and saw Michael in front of them.

Michael, what- what are you doing here?

Oh, Mister Polansky. You like having scrambled eggs, too?

Bradley had an arrogant look on his face and looked down at the other man.

No. I prefer my eggs boiled.

Eh, yes- we're just discussing them menus for the party.

Hmm sure, and of course you get hungry.

Michael put his hands in his pockets.

Stefani just couldn't believe how good my eggs were.

A bit ashamed she looked down when she felt the look of her husband.

Stefani- that sounds familiar. Oh, and of course you had to demonstrate right away how good your cooking skills are. With moderate success, I see.

Bradley slapped his hands together. He felt the need to provoke him even more.

You know, your wife seems very hungry to me, maybe she doesn't get enough at home. Appetite comes with eating, as we all know.

With quick steps he approached Bradley and wanted to grab him by the shirt collar, but Bradley was faster and stopped his hand.

Watch out Polansky!

No! You watch out! I warned you before! Put your eggs in every mouth you want but not in my wife! If you do that again, then--

Then what? Hmm?

He was about to lunge and punch Bradley when Stefani pushed him away.

Michael! Are you out of your mind! Stop it!

He looked his wife in the face and let go.

Come on!

Stefani was pissed off. She went into the next room to talk to him. As they left, Bradley just nodded. She had stood up for him and even protected him. Not that he needed it, but that meant she was on his side, not her husband's.

I'm not stupid after all. I know what I saw!

Yes, and I know what I did!

The couple was arguing so loudly that even he could hear it in the kitchen.

Working looks different!

We were just taking a break!

Yes I saw that! "Stefani was so hungry!" Don't you see what's going on with this guy? Not to mention he probably can't cook anyway!

On the other side of the door, Bradley had to laugh. At the comment about his cooking, he took her fork and licked it. It wasn't as bad as he thought.

I only tasted it once!

Yes, you did taste. Just like back then!

Ohh can we drop the subject already? I told you, that kiss had no meaning!

He just wants to get you into bed! Why else would he pull such a stunt?

Yeah, right, and of course I'm stupid enough to fall for it! Michael- You know what our problem is?

Yeah, it starts with B, B for bastard!

At that moment Bradley just raised an eyebrow.

No, our problem is that you don't trust me! I mean, otherwise you wouldn't think that this B for bastard would manage to cook me into bed with half raw eggs!

Furious, she left the next room and stormed into the kitchen to get her coat.

Your eggs are a nightmare, you should take a cooking class.

With that she was gone, on her way to pick up her daughter from Sarah.
Michael walked past without a word.

Just wait, just wait. You'll see what you get out of it and how to treat this woman right.

Although the words were addressed to him, he whispered them only after the man had already disappeared. The last thing he needed now was a black eye or worse, a bad impression on Stefani.

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