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Her arms were wrapped around his neck as their foreheads were pressed against each other. Their breaths were still a little faster as normal. His index finger brought her chin up so she was looking at him, right into his magical blue eyes. He hugged her and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips.

Thank you.

For what?

Her voice was like a whisper, so soft and cute.

But not for the sex, right?

She was briefly afraid that it might have been just a game or another trick, that he was making fun of her or just messing with her, but with another look into his eyes, that fear disappeared quickly again.

That you listen to me and understand me. You're different than all the others You don't judge me, at least not as often as others do, and for some reason you believe in that good heart.

Because I've seen it often enough. I can see how you are with our little girl, how you care about her and just want to protect her. You are such a wonderful father!

His heart began to flutter when she said "our girl." It felt so right, so beautiful and breathtaking. They said nothing for a moment, just enjoying the silence. He had so many words at that moment but couldn't say them, it was too early for that or maybe not? He wasn't really sure and felt insecure, but at the same time he felt safest with her. All he could do at that moment was to take her in his arms. He could let go of himself, but never of her again. Now it was Stefani who wiped the tears from his cheeks.

When did we get so emotional.

They chuckled a little.

I think we always have been, only now we can let ourselves go.

She kissed him, a sweet kiss with both of her hands at his cheeks, but then got off him and pulled her pants back into place. He was surprised that she made no effort to clean up the mess they had made some minutes ago, but simply went into the kitchen, which was directly connected to the living room, to take a quick look in the refrigerator. 

I'm starving.

He also got up from the sofa and buttoned his pants properly before going to her.

Is that okay?

She nodded and he wrapped his arms around her from behind.

I could get used to this.

His head just lingered on her shoulder, in her neck smelling her scent.

I could go upstairs, wake Ally and then we go somewhere and have breakfast?

He spread some gently kisses on her neck, making her  moaning a bit.

Or you could wake Ally and I will prepare breakfast?

Just in the moment he wanted to answer, his cell phone suddenly rang, destroying the beautiful moment.

I'm sorry, but that sounds pretty good.

He went back to the sofa and took his cell phone to answer the call. In the meantime, Stefani made coffee and put out some things for the breakfast.

I- yes. No! I'm coming!

He rolled his eyes in annoyance and threw his phone on the table. 

I've got to go.

Aren't you going to say good morning to Ally?

He went to her, to give her a kiss on the cheek, which turned to be a kiss right on her soft lips.

Of course I will, be right back.

He quickly went upstairs and said goodbye to his girl. She had been happy to see him. He promised to see her again soon and that made her jump out of her bed almost immediately. With Ally in his arms, he came down the stairs to Stefani, who was leaning against the kitchen counter. As soon as Ally was sitting on the sofa watching TV, Bradley walked up to Stefani. He took her face in his hands and pulled her to him so he could gave her a passionate kiss, right on the lips. Her hands clung to his arms and pulled him further to her.

Really have to go now. I hope to see you again ...


That was all she could get out of her mouth as she looked into his deep blue eyes. She was kind of at a loss for words because she was overwhelmed. He kissed her again, said goodbye to Ally and then disappeared from the apartment. It was silent again, only the sounds of the Tv could be heard and now and then the laughter of Ally. Her brain had blocked out any other sounds, any feeling except the tingling on her lips. She closed her eyes as her tongue licked gently over her lips and reviewed the last few hours. All the fears, doubts and lies were in her mind. It felt light when he was with her, but it also brought a certain heaviness. After the night and the few hours that morning, she knew she could trust him. Deep down she knew he wouldn't let her fall, she felt that. Words were still unspoken between them, yet she had noticed the way he looked at her. It wasn't just lust or desire she saw in his eyes as they slept with each other, it was something else, much more than that. Her mind had resisted it for so long, while her heart had already fallen long ago.

Mom, I'm hungry.

She blinked quickly out of her trance. For a brief moment, she had forgotten reality.

Of course, sweetie. I'll bring you breakfast right away. Would you like some yogurt?

The little girl nodded so much that she almost got a neckache from watching. Lovingly, she stroked a hand over her head, through her hair.
After taking Ally to kindergarten an hour later, she had time to herself. She hadn't had a job since she quit, so she didn't have any appointments or important meetings.
She had time enough to think about what she had already been doing all the time. Since this morning everything had changed. Not only her body was longing for  him, but also her heart. It was the confirmation she needed and the decision she had to make. The decision she had put off for so long was finally made and it was satisfying.
Instead of doing something for herself, reading a book or soothing her soul, she rummaged out a suitcase and began packing things. His things to be more precise. To be honest, she didn't know where she got the strength to do this, because after such a long relationship, you shouldn't be able to just pack the other person's things into a suitcase. She was. Yes, she had cried, but much more for the reason that she had been screwed over again, for being so naive and so stupid. Mentally she had separated from him a long time ago and she kinda know that this was the right way to go, but now it was time to turn this decision into facts. Her mind was made up. She was sure about it and finally allowed herself to do the next step. Her marriage was definitely over now.

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