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That's it, we are gonna be parents? So we are parents, but we will be again?

By now she had freshened up and sat on the edge of the bed. Bradley had helped her, but was now far too nervous to sit down and was pacing back and forth in front of her.

I'm not sure. It- I'm three weeks overdue and usually ....

She couldn't see his face, didn't know exactly what he thought about it.

I should have said it when I realized it, I'm sorry. I was just afraid of your reaction. You said that all of this was totally upsetting you lately and we haven't been together long and-.

He was still pacing.

B, please say something!

Just as he walked past her again, she grabbed his arm and stopped him. Carefully, she stood up, trying to keep herself from feeling sick or dizzy again. Only now, looking at his face, did she notice all the tears. His eyes were slightly red and there were dry and wet tears on his cheeks. A sob escaped him as she looked into his eyes. She had never seen him like this before. Never had she thought it was even possible to see him like this. In reality, he was not the tough guy, but a sensitive man, with even quite strong feelings. At that moment, she couldn't think of anything else to do but just pull him into her arms. He buried his face in her neck and sobbed softly.


Tears ran down her cheeks as well.

I just wasn't thinking and- if I'm pregnant, so if you don't want me or the baby, that's okay. It would break my heart but I would accept it. I just can't, I can't bring myself to abo-


He wiped a hand over his eyes. A sigh escaped his smiling lips.

I'm just- I don't know-

With much effort, he swallowed the lump in his throat.

It is the greatest gift. Stef, I don't know what to say.

Stefani closed her eyes as she heard his words. A sob escaped her now too and she tried with all her might not to cry, but she couldn't. The emotions were too strong, too many. Bradley wiped his nose on his sweater and wrapped her in a tight hug.

I could never not want you!

They stood in silence in the room, in front of the bed they shared by now. The record player was still spinning, but there was no more music. Outside it had started to rain lightly and the water drops were hitting the window, leaving traces.

Is that why you didn't feel so well last week?

I think. Then also that I'm 3 weeks overdue and now this nausea.

Are you okay now? Do you want me to get you some medicine or something?

Honey, there's really no medication for that and even if there is, it's almost never good for the "baby" .

I'm sorry. I didn't know that-

I know you didn't. You don't have to apologize.

She leaned against him so that their foreheads were pressed against each other. His hand stroked the woolen fabric of her dress on her stomach. If she hadn't mentioned it, he wouldn't have noticed the minimal bulge. It was barely noticeable, but still there, right?

We're going to have a baby.


She saw the glow in his eyes. The blue became brighter, even more beautiful, and just looking at them, she hoped that their "if"-baby would have his eyes, just like Ally.

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