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And please print another card for Stefani Germanotta.

So it's for your personal assistant?

Yes, of course for her, who else? Come on! Hurry.

Miss Taylor hurried up and started typing wildly on the computer.

Who are you, anyway?

The woman stood up and held out her hand to him.

Miss Taylor, I'm the new secretary.


He looked her up and down, but then turned away and was on his way back to his office.

And what about the invitation?

Just put it on my desk. I'm busy.

Stefani turned and looked him in the eye. Michael froze, not knowing how to react. He let go of her and walked across the room, right in front of the window and looked out.

Michael I- It just happened.

She walked behind him until she was just a few steps next to him. He looked down at the floor.


The other day, when we were locked in the attic together.

He shook his head.

That was four days ago, but why am I even surprised anymore?

His gaze was cold and pierced her.

Well, you've always been good at hiding your affairs.

Bradley is not my affair! It was a kiss, and it was him who kissed me!

And you expect me to believe that? That's probably why he calls you Stefani now.

But one has nothing to do with the other. I didn't tell you because it has absolutely nothing to do with anything. It's totally unimportant and irrelevant. I didn't tell you because I knew exactly that you would be suspicious again.

She walked up to him and stroked his arm. A genuine smile crossed her lips.

What a miracle! After years of keeping it from me that Bradley was the-.

Oh please, let's not start all over again! Tell me instead how you imagine marriage, without trust?

He walked past her to the dressing room and picked up his jacket. Ally came out of her room, not knowing what was going on. The girl put on her coat, as  Michael told her.

Did you return the kiss?

I smacked him in the face!

She went to him to appease their situation.

The thing is not even worth talking about.

It was worth keeping it from me, though.

Don't begrudge Bradley this triumph, Michael.

Instead of an answer, she got only a grumble. He put on his jacket and reached for the door handle, Ally close behind him. She had wanted to say something, but even Ally had realized that now was a bad time.

Where are you going?

Somewhere where there is a working television.

With these words he slammed the door behind him. She rolled her eyes and sighed. At least he took care of Ally.


Out of frustration and not knowing where to go, she was back in the office. It was already dark outside and even the office were extremely dimly lit.

Have a nice evening!

Yes, have a nice evening! See you around.

A cleaning lady mopped the floor and pushed her cleaning cart to the next room, while Stefani stood at the reception desk and sorted a few pieces of paper. Now she was almost all alone. It was just her and the cleaning lady ... and Bradley, who came up to her with a raised eyebrow.

Oh I thought you were taking a break until Christmas?

She stopped moving and gave him an intimidating look.

Ouh trust me, if I worked off all my overtime, I wouldn't be back until next summer!

Something in his eyes had changed when he saw her. He looked happy.

Oh, then I got lucky again.

He reached into his suit pocket and pulled out an envelope, only to lay it on the table in front of Stefani. She was slightly confused.

What's this?

Open it up and take a look.

It was an invitation card to the Parker event.

What's the matter? You have no time for that, so I have to go? 

She looked at him critically, only now noticing how close they were. After not much hesitation, she put the invitation in front of him.

No, but unlike me, you are interested in the views of Alice Stein. And now you can even meet her in person and tell her.

Bradley gave her both thumbs up. She didn't respond to the gesture from him, just grabbed two documents to be copied and turned away to go to the copier.

I already know exactly how this is going to go.

For a brief moment, he was overwhelmed to see her walk away.

You introduce me to Alice Stein, I talk to her, and then I'm supposed to thank you very nicely. Then you get a glass of champagne and before I know it, I have the next kiss on my lips.

Stefani went behind her desk again and looked at him with a stern look at the end of her words. He stopped in front of the desk.

Is that what you think of me?

He grinned and like a reflex his posture became straighter and prouder.

I wonder if you don't trust me or if you just don't trust yourself.

Her gaze turned to him again.

Don't worry, you're not that irresistible!

I would never think that either.

He put the envelope in front of her and had a know-it-all look on his face.

You didn't read the addendum. It says with company, so your wonderful husband can come along.

Stefani looked at him in amazement.

By the way-

He raised his index finger and pointed it at her.

You and Ally-

What about us?

I expect you in the next few days. If I can't have a set day with her, I'd at least like you two to come over and see the horses.

Nervously she bit the inside of her cheek, unsure how to react. He smiled at her again and then went to the elevator to leave the building as well.
Stefani stayed in the office a little longer. She did some more paperwork. When she was done, she packed her bag and put a few more letters on Bradley's desk. She noticed a small horse standing on his desk.
Her gut somehow told her that the figurine was for her little girl and she thought that was pretty cute. He really cared about her.
There was just still one problem, well actually several, but one of them was that Ally still didn't know about it.
She thought about him a bit more, but then quickly tried to get those thoughts out of her head again

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