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With quick, hasty steps, she hurried downstairs to the living room and stood in front of the fireplace.

Ah, here you are. I was looking for you.

Stefani was slightly startled and turned to her. Her eyes were shining a little and Sarah didn't seem to miss that.

What's wrong?

She grabbed the bridge of her nose with two fingers.

Where have you been? Did something happen to you?

I was with Bradley. You really were so right. He really is an absolute-


Yes, at least!

Sarah noticed her body tense and a discomfort raging inside her. Something wasn't right.

That's what's bothering you so much?

No, what's bothering me so much is-  that I'm starting to fall for him anyway.

What do you mean?

I'm starting to fall for Bradley.

Stefani you can't be serious!

Sarah sat down on the couch, having to process what she had heard.

I told you not to fall for him. You have such a wonderful husband.

Yes, I know. Believe me, I don't do it on purpose either!

Sarah took her friend's hands and looked deep into her eyes.

He won't get you! So many women have already fallen for him, so many thought he had this little faint light in his heart, but believe me, there is nothing. His heart is dark and you will only fall into that hole if you keep going!

I know.

Stefani, every woman, including me, has had that man who teases you and gives you attention you need. But please believe me, he may be a good flirt, but nothing more.

You're right.

For a brief moment she looked at the floor before continuing to speak.

You're right and he won't make it. I love Michael and my family and he won't be able to break all that. It's just- a fleeting confusion of emotions, nothing more.

You can't...

I'm going to put some distance between me and him. He's leaving on a business trip in two days anyway.

Just as Sarah was about to say something, they heard footsteps. Standing in front of Stefani, she could see this person walk through the door, holding an envelope in his hand.
He cleared his throat once, so Stefani also turned to look at him.

Ah, how nice that I still caught you!

I'm off now!

Yes well then, just take care of it tomorrow.

He stood in front of her, his back turned to Sarah.

What should I take care of?

The second hotel room in Pittsburgh.

She eyed him, hesitating at first to take the envelope from his hand.

For whom?

For you. You're accompanying me on the business trip.

Quickly she opened the envelope. A plane ticket to Pittsburgh.
He smiled broadly at her as he clasped his hands together in front of his torso.

That's completely absurd, why should I fly with you?

Why not?

He looked at her questioningly.

We're going to meet Alice Stein there. She has a company there and we're going to visit it. The negotiations will take place in the evening. We both know that Miss Stein is not the biggest fan of mine.

Sarah had to stifle a laugh at his last sentence.

Oh honestly? I can't even imagine why.

The look on his face was worth a thousand words and reflected how much he would have sent her out of the room.

Anyway, that's why I need you. I don't want to risk the deal falling through just before signing. You don't have a problem being in the same hotel with me, do you?

Again he raised an eyebrow and looked at her questioningly. For the first time since that conversation, her eyes wandered to him. She knew what he was alluding to.

Should I?

Sarah watched the two of them. It was clear that there was more between them and she didn't like that at all.

Totally absurd thought, I know. I don't even know how I came up with it. You know what, maybe I'd best take care of the booking myself.

He grinned.

Have a nice evening!

With that he disappeared just as quickly as he had come. All that was pure provocation from him.

Well, he wants to know.

Such a bastard! He wants to bring me into a situation in which I become weak. I can't go along with that!

Hey, Stefani. You can do it. You just distance yourself from him. You can do this! Unless you want to give him the satisfaction of always getting what he wants. You don't have to be afraid of Bradley. You're way ahead of him. You give him way too much importance, he doesn't deserve that. He's not gonna get you, never.

Yes- never.


Her head was still full of thoughts when she unlocked the front door and walked into a dark apartment.

Hello? Are you there?

Mommy? Mommy!

Hey sweetie!

Ally ran into her arms and rejoiced.

I missed you!

I missed you too!

She took off her coat and went into the living room. The television was on, but there was no one else around.

Where did you leave dad?

In the kitchen.

When she looked around the corner, she saw Michael standing in the kitchen, typing on his cell phone.


As soon as he heard her voice, he turned off his phone and flipped it over.

Ah hi. You're back already.

I'm sorry, it's almost eight o'clock. What are you doing here?

I ehm- I was just, was going to make Ally a sandwich.

Ah ok. I'm gonna take a quick shower, ok?

Yeah is fine.

Stefani stroked her daughter's head again and then treated herself to a warm, relaxing shower. The warmth soothed her and distracted her a bit from her thoughts.
When she was done, she wrapped a towel around her body and hair and went into the bedroom to change into new clothes.

What do you think of- when Ally is in bed? We could-

Stefani turned and saw him pointing to their shared bed with a nod of his head. For some reason, a clear shiver ran down her spine.

Honestly, I'm pretty tired.

Her hand wandered to the towel, making sure her towel wouldn't slide down.
Annoyed, he rolled his eyes and pushed off the door frame he was leaning against a moment ago.

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