The Uppity Wattpadder

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I was browsing to discover more writers when I came up on an account that seemed a bit interesting. I then looked at the "about" section and read these words.

"Follow me but don't expect me to follow you. I don't have time for that. And don't leave any negative comments either because I really don't have time for that either. Don't post on my profile either recommending your books or asking me to read a story either. If you were any good I would have heard of you already." Blah ,blah, blah it just went on like that.

But being the ex-detective that I was I decided not to let first impressions give me tunnel vision. I thought maybe I should read this girls stuff. Who knows maybe her writing is God's gift to mankind and we should all bow to her excellence. So I looked over some of her stuff. I wish I could tell you that she wasn't good but I can't do that. It was crap. Her writing was the worst type of wanna-be writer dribble I have ever read. I would have to get serious brain injury to spew out crap like that. 

So why does someone like that act that way? You want me to tell you the truth! It's your damn fault! Yes it's all your fault. You bozos tell her she's good. The story I read had over 80,000 reads and maybe 1000 votes. Why do you guys encourage people like that? Sure she has 2 books on Amazon but so what? If I pay enough money I can put 2 books on Amazon. And the reviews were worse than the one I gave her here. Now granted the stuff she likes to write was the stuff I don't like to read. But she was bad. As a matter of fact the day I read this there was a "message to all followers" from this account that one of her books was available for free just for today. I downloaded it and got through about 15 pages of it before I gave up. I swear her damn central character "sighed" 28 times in the first 15 pages. I got nauseous.

I know why you do it. She's got a million followers and maybe if you are nice to her she will say something nice about your story and give it a big shout out on her profile. Then you will be famous overnight just like her. I get it. I really do. But is it worth it? I don't think it is. There are enough good people on here doing good work that can help you share your work if that is what you want. Stay away from the jerks.

Still though, what do I know? I could be very wrong. Maybe this kid is a genius and I should stick to solving murders. Well..nope...can't do it...she was bad.

But you know what? I don't have anything against bad. I don't. I have written bad (probably not that bad). So it is okay. The thing is that when I wrote bad people told me I wrote bad. They didn't hold back. I have also written some pieces very well and some of my pieces have received thousands of reads and hundreds of good comments both here on Wattpad and other places I have shared my writing. So it is okay to write badly. As long as you try and improve your craft (it that is what it is to you).

But why on earth be a jerk about it? So you get a few reads on Wattpad. How on earth does that mean anything in the real world? What right does it give you pretend you are better than those people who don't get as many reads or votes as you do? What exactly do you think it makes you that you have to become an A-hole?

Getting a million votes or reads on Wattpad is not the mark of good writing. God I read some piece the other day that some little girl wrote about her period that has gotten at least a million votes. Her period! What the hell! (In all honesty I voted for her also. It was great stuff! I couldn't stop reading it!)

I have read some really great writing on here that will never get the reads or votes that some of the crap on here gets. There are many reasons for that. Maybe that amazing writer has a life outside of Wattpad and doesn't have 24 hours a day to come out here and beg for reads or votes. Or maybe they just don't want to. Maybe they are just generous souls that want to share their poetry or stories.

I love those writers. You know the ones. They write beautiful prose and they don't ask for anything other than you take a look. They aren't on here to be famous. They aren't here trying like idiots to force trilogies out of their butts. They are here to write and share.

I hate the uppity Wattpadder. They are scum. I don't care if they write like Hemingway. If you can't be kind to others than you are worthless as a human being. If you are only on Wattpad to take and not give then what good are you to anybody?

Let me tell you something Ms. Uppity Wattpadder. You are not as good as you think you are, and even if you were, you will never be good enough to treat other writers as if they are below you. Nobody on here is that good.

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