There are jerks everywhere. There really is no way to get around them. They are just a bunch of sad individuals who only get pleasure when they are making fun of and hating on other people. They don't even hide it as criticism because they don't care. They are not on Wattpad to read or critique. They are just on here to spread their hate. They are just assholes hiding behind anonymous accounts created for the sole purpose of being assholes. You can hate them all you want but in the end you will just end up feeling sad for them. If it wasn't for the crap they spew they would have no life at all.
The thing about assholes like this is that they really don't do it to hurt you or affect you in any way. They do it for themselves. It turns them on. It turns them on to see their own crap on a page and knowing that no one can do anything about it. It gives them a power (in their head at least) that they don't have in real life.
In my year here on Wattpad I have only run into a couple of negative remarks on my writings. I usually get good honest criticism. If I write something good people tell me. If I write something stupid they tell that also. But it has always been honest.
The other day someone created an account for the sole purpose of spewing crap on my page. On one of my writings they responded "get a job you creep". That was it. Now obviously they don't know me or else they would know I have 2 jobs and have worked all my life. But that wasn't the point. They were just looking for something mean to say. I checked their profile and it had just been created minutes before that remark. There was no other activity on it and I even checked it today (a month later) and there was still no other activity. So some sorry excuse for a human being went through the trouble of making an account just to talk crap on my page. Now it may be someone I know or it may not be. There are ways of finding this out but I am really not interested. I muted them and went on with my life and did not think of it again.
Later though when checking emails sent out to all followers from people I am following, I saw that this is happening a lot to many people recently. What the hell has to go wrong in your head when doing this to people gets you off? Why can't you just leave people alone who are not doing anything to you?
I don't have any problems with anybody on Wattpad. I get along with everyone I talk to and if ever there is a problem then I don't talk to them anymore. If someone doesn't like me who cares? This is a writing site not a dating site. I am not selling anything. If you don't like my stuff walk away. Plain and simple. No crying , no getting back at anybody, no making a big fuss, just rub some dirt on it and move on. Why the hell would it be any different?
But still, people out there are getting bullied every day on Wattpad. Assholes find their way onto people's pages and leave their crap. The pick fights like if we are still in Jr. High and make threats as if they are beyond reach. They are not here to make a contribution. They are not here to write or read. They are just here cause harm. God bless their tortured little souls.
In the end I feel sorry for them. They are sad excuses for human beings. I wish they had the self-esteem to fix their worthless lives. Hell I'd be willing to help if I could. But when all you are doing is trying to hurt people you are on your own. You've crossed a line and you deserve no consideration. Go away.
If you do become victim to any of these rotten excuses for a human, just ignore them. Answering them just feeds their stupidity. They have made a zoo of their life. And like the sign at the zoo says, well, you know what is says. Don't do it.
Chasing Wattpad
Non-FictionIs Wattpad a good or bad thing? Are the people on here writers or do they just think they are? Whatever your answer to those questions there are a lot of mysteries surrounding Wattpad and the people that choose to write here. Every day thousands of...