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I stood still as I wanted for my name to be called to walk across the stage. I looked up and searched the crowd. I saw my mother and Ashton. They both had wide smiles taking up half of their faces and I it looked back down at me feet. I felt a nudge and looked back up to see Kyle standing next to me. He it nods his head at me and I knew he was it there for moral support. The cap and gown suited him nicely, I was glad we made it to this point together.

"Emily Rose Chase." The council member said and my feet automatically moved me forward and everything moved in slow motion. I reached up with one hand to take the diploma and my other raised to shake the hand that was outstretched to me. I look over at my mother so she can take her picture, and behind her I saw him.

He looked horrible. A rumpled shirt and eyes bags deeper than the ocean.

I looked back to my mom and smiled and then it immediately fell from my face as I left the stage and took my new spot next to my classmates. I could practically feel his eyes drilling into the back of my head. I felt a hand grab mine and I looked over to see Lyle, he didn't look at me but it still caused me to smile. He had been such a huge help to me the last few weeks. He never said a lot about it, but I think that was his plan. We moved past our problems together.

The graduation party was great, mom and Joy did such a good job putting it together. Since we had no family, there were just random people we knew there. Jack from her job, who used to give me candy when I would come into the office with her. Leo from the shelter. All of Ashton's family showed up, too. I sat at the table and looked at the cake that sat In front of me. I wanted to try it but I could bring myself to do it. I didn't seem to have the energy to do anything.

"Can we talk? At least a little bit?" I hear the soft voice and I don't look over, I keep staring down.

"You're already here." I whisper.

"You know it wasn't my fault," He said in a desperate voice and I look at him. He looked like he hadn't slept in days. "Right, Emily?"

"I wouldn't make that mistake." I keep all emotion off my face and this seems to break him as his head falls into my hands.

"Please, you can't-" a hand is placed in his shoulder and I see Lyle standing behind him.

"Don't do this here, man." He says in a stuff tone and Calum growls, slamming both his fists into the table and walking off, his chair flying back as he stands. No one looks in our direction at all.  I lean back in my chair and I laugh to myself.

"This is all so stupid." I mumble.

"Don't let that ass get you down. This is supposed to be a good day." Lyle smiles at me and I nod, but it was far too late for that.

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