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I walk into David Hood's home with the things I usually get for him on Wednesdays. Dog food, people food, cleaning supplies. And for some odd reason, two notebooks and a thick, black journal, but I'm guessing they aren't for him.

I set the items on the table and David walks through the hallway, a book in hand and two different slippers on his feet, a grey and a blue. He sees me and turns and I notice to book is upside down, but he also has a tiny notebook inside it.

"Oh, Emily! Hello, did you meet Calum?" He asks me and he seems excited, but he isn't exactly looking at me, he looks off to the side, then to my feet and back to his notebook and book.

"Yeah, I did." I say and smile. I walk over and awkwardly turn his book around and he frowns then shrugs it off, closing it.

"Are you two getting along well? I know how shy you can be and how hard it is for him to make friends." He says and he opens the cabinet and pulls out a plate, stares at it blankly and then puts it back, taking out a cup.

"Uh, yeah, we aren't exactly friends, but we get along... Decently." I say and smile. "Do you need anything else?" I ask him and he turns in a small circle, looking at his cleaned house and then back to me.

"Yes, do you know where Fox is?" He asks, referring to his giant golden retriever. "She hasn't had her morning eggs." He says, even though it is well into the afternoon.

"She is usually on the deck by the hot tub. It's always sunny out there. " I say and softly sigh at his dazed state.

"Okay, then that is all I need for now, thank you dear. The envelope is in the letter box." He says and I nod, smiling.

"I'll see you Saturday." I say and I also to the front and take the small envelope.

I walk out the and I see Ashton standing at the end of the driveway for me. I smile and he walks over. "Are you ready? Gorgy and Lyle are waiting at the movies." He says.

"I'm ready." I say with a smile. We were all going out to the movies to hang out. 

"There is a dog in the hot tub back there, just letting you know, I don't know if that's your domain." Ashton says as we walk down the sidewalk. I see Fox with his head hanging out of the hot tub and a plate of eggs next to her. I smile and shake my head.

"She will be fine. So, how was your day?" I ask him.

"A lot better than yours, since you tried to break your hand in a locker." He says. "Then there was the incident with Calum. What was that about?" He asks me and bumps his elbow softly into my shoulder and I sigh.

"I have no idea. He is like a girl, you never know what he is going to feel," I say and shrug. "He actually isn't that bad, Ash, I promise. I swear it. From what I learned, his dad told me he was bad at making friends. Michael told me he had commitment issues." I say, leaving out the last part where he said I did.

"Well, I am gonna say that he has anger issues, too, and add to his mental list." He says, shaking his head. "He is problematic. I just don't want you to get your tiny, asexual robot heart broken. But, I'm also not going to pry into your life, just know that I love you and I care about you." He says.

"Hey, I take offense to that. It's a big heart, not tiny." I say and he laughs. I knew that he loved me, but not in the way everyone thought he did.

"Come on, we have a movie to catch." He says.


We walk out of the darkened theater and Lyle is still laughing at the joke he made. "I crack myself up." He says, shaking his head.

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