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"Mom, you home?" I ask as I walk into my house, later that day. She pops out of the kitchen and I smile, hugging her. She had an apron on and a bit of sweat on he forehead.

''Hi, hon, what's up?" She asks me.

"Uh, I have a cool thought," I say and sit on the couch, sprawling across it and kicking my shoes off at the end. "You and Ellis are pretty good friends, right?"


"Why don't you, Ellis, Emily, and I go out to that one nice restaurant in the city?" I ask.

"That's a wonderful idea." She says and smiles.

"Hey, mom?" I say and she raises an eyebrow. "Emily and I are kinda dating.'' I say and she smiles brightly.

"Oh, how cute!" She says. "I love it!''

"Yeah, me too," I say and grin. "She is so cool."

"I'm so glad you actually like someone. We were actually talking about you two today, Ellis and I." She says and smiles mischievously.

"Oh really? What were you saying?" I ask as I wrap my arm around her shoulder.

"Hadn't heard too much complaining about one another, you were getting along good. Now I see why that is, you like the little girl," She gasps and puts her hands up to her mouth. "Do you love her?"

"Jesus, mom, what kind of question is that?" I ask and chuckle, standing up. I'm not gonna tell her I'm in love with her, not straightforward, at least.

"Calum!" She says and smiles.

"Not near as much as I love you, mama," I say and she smiles. "I'm gonna shower and then go to Luke's, I'll see you." I say and she nods, going back to where she came from.


I sit in the booth and the girl sets down the two cups. "Thank god it's free. I'm gonna need several more of these, I'm dying." I say and Lyle laughs.

"You look like you've died, alright." He says, referring to the bruise now surrounding my eye. It still hurts like crazy. "Nothing a little makeup won't fix. Hopefully." He says.

"Who knew getting punched in the face would hurt so bad? Has anyone else discovered this?" I ask and take a small sip of the coffee.

"Now that I think of it, I think you're the first." He laughs and smiles. it was good to see him smile.

"Others should learn this then. So, how are you lately?"

"Much better, actually. It doesn't bother me anymore. I mean, yeah, it does a little bit, but I'm not bothered by her anymore." It felt genuine and so did the happy look on his face.

"That's good. It's nice having one of my best friends back." I pat his shoulder.

"What about Ash?" He asks.

"Ash is so whipped right now, he is basically out of it." I say and chuckle. "Lily is a good girl though. I like her. He also is like besties with Calum now, it's crazy."

"That's good he has found someone other than his hand and you. What about you, though? You're relationship going well?" He asks and I don't question how he knows, I just shrug.

"Uh, yeah. A few bumps, but that's a relationship, I suppose." I say softly.

"So this girl that is bothering you has nothing to do with it?" He asks and I frown. "Okay, maybe I talk to Ashton every once in a while, sue me."

"It's nothing to worry about. I trust Calum. Not her." I take a sip of my coffee and look off in the other direction

"Be careful with yourself," He warns. "So, catch me up on everything."

"Everything?" I ask and he nods. I take a deep breath and I tell him about mom's accident, Douglas and Oreo, and my recent thoughts about depression. I tell him about Charlie and Gorgy. He also explains that he knew about Gorgy and Charlie, that Charlie was the guy she was cheating with, which was something I already knew because he told me before. I tell him about the fundraiser coming up and Calum and I. I take more time on some topics  rather than others and he listens to every word, not interrupting anywhere. After I have finished, I feel a weight being lifted off my chest that I didn't know I had.

"Sorry about mom and Douglas. How long have you felt depressed?"

"Not long, really. Only recently Mom says it's stress, so I guess there isn't a whole lot to do about it." I say, even though I know it's not.

He only nods, I'm sure he could understand a thing or two about it. "I'll make sure to come by and support your carwash. How is that even going to work? The school is going to support all you minor girls running around in bikinis?" He asks.

"The guys will do most of the washing, but some girls will help, the rest will work the booth and refill sops bucket and wave around signs. Sounds stupid to me, honestly." I say.

"What lucky job were you assigned?" He asks.

"I get to refill buckets and step in as a spare washer," I say and shrug. "You should help out. Jump out with your booty shorts and show them how it's done."

"Hell yeah, I will." He teases. "Hey, I was thinking about switching schools, what do you think about that? It's not to late in the school year."

"If that's something you need to do, I support it."

"What if you... switched with me?" He questions and I lower my coffee cup back to the table. I had never thought of something like that before. "That way neither of us would be alone in a new place and we both could get away from the bullshit?"

I won't lie, It didn't sound half bad. "Can I think about it?"

"Yeah, of course." He nods his head with a happy smile.

"Just don't mention it to anyone, okay?"

"I don't have anyone to tell anything to anymore. That won't be a problem."

As we talk, it gets later and later and the cups pile up. "Well, I better take you home before your mom and your boyfriend think I kidnapped you." He says with  a sigh.

"I think Ralph has misses me more than they have." I say and he smiles.

"Probably." He says.

At my house, he decides to pop in to say hi to mom. She is sitting in the couch with a light beer in hand and a baseball game on TV. She smile at us and stands. "Hi, baby, how are you? Haven't seen you in so long, where did you go?" She asks and he smiles. He sits beside her and they hug.

"Hey, mom. I had some stuff to work out." He says and smiles kindly at her.

"I hope we got it all straightened out, wanna stay and watch the game?" She asks and he shakes his head.

"I just stopped by to say hi and to return your child, I have some paperwork I need to fill out." He says and turns to the door. 

"Bye." I say, hugging him tightly and he leaves again. 

I return to my mom and she smiles. "You have a boyfriend?" She asks me and I frown.

"Wow, okay no. We went out for coffee." I say and frown.

"I'm talking about Calum!" She says, smacking my arm. "His mother invited us both to dinner this Friday night and she said you two were together. What the hell, why don't you ever tell me anything anymore?" She asks me and I try to hide my smile at her petty excitement.

"It's not that big of a deal. Mom, chill." I walk to the bottom of the stairs and she scoffs.

"Not a big deal! What! It's a huge deal. I'm so proud of you," She says and I shake my head as I go to my room. "A lot better than the last guy!"

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