I stand with blurry eyes and very angry, very violent thoughts swirling in my head.

I know Ashton left, I'm trying to convince myself that it is okay that he left. Left and didn't tell me. Left and won't call me back, even though my phone is rapidly dying. Gorgy and Lyle are off doing God knows what and I'm alone.

The small wannabe party, has turned out to be a full blown disaster. Several guys, and a chick or two, have tried to grope me and the rest are just disgusting. I don't think Lyle realized the damage being done to his house, but the party is no longer just a high school party. so many people showed up.

"Hey! Let's forget that there was another person with the group! Let's leave her in the middle of sweaty strangers and run off!" I mutter to myself angrily as I push past people.

I walk out front and I sit on the edge of the driveway. I cross my arms and set them on my knees. I set my head down on them and I blink rapidly, but it doesn't help, small tears escape my eyes. This is so messed up, what the hell am I gonna do? Can't go to Gorgy's house without her. Can't go home without my mom finding out I lied. She'd be upset and disappointed. Plus, I can't call anyone. Lyle's house was too far out to walk anywhere.

I feel someone tap my shoulder and I jump. I look up and I see Calum standing above me. "The hell are you doing out here, are you that stupid? Someone could kidnap you or hurt you or something." He says in an overly agitated tone and I look away, not wanting to look at him.

"Don't be that way to me." I mumble, trying not to sound upset, but it's hard with the tears wanting to pour from my eyes.

"Whoa, hey, I'm sorry, are you alright?" He asks and sits next to me. "You're crying, why are you crying?" He asks me.

"I'm not crying." I say and I dry my eyes with my sleeves, looking away still.

"What's wrong?" He asks in a softer voice. I look over at him with skeptical eyes and he nods for me to tell him.

"Everyone just forgot about me, I guess. I can't go home. Gorgy is off getting pregnant. My phone is dead," I say and hug my arms tighter to me. "I'm a little pissed and I don't know what to do. I'm so stupid."

"You're not stupid," He says and huffs, standing up and holding out a hand. "Come on."

"Where are we going?" I ask him.

"My house. I'm tired anyway and you cannot stay here. We're going to my house." He says and pulls me up and wraps an arm around me.


He opens his bedroom and turns on the light. "You can sleep in my bed." He says and he starts going through his dresser.

"Are you sure?" I ask him. He nods and hands me a T-shirt and sweats. "I don't want to take your bed, Calum."

"Please. I'll sleep in the floor." He says and shrugs


"You're gonna sleep in the soft, super comfy bed or I'm gonna be very unhappy with you." He says in serious, childish way and I can't help but smile.

"Sure?" I ask one more time.

"Emily, oh my god, yes. Just shut up and accept my kindness, damn you. This luxury from me is rare, don't ya know?" He groans. He pulls of out a pair of black shorts for himself. "Now go change. Hurry up, for God's sake, woman." He says and pushes me toward the bathroom.

I strip down and I put on the clothes. They are both super big and I have to retie the strings and roll up the pant legs in order to make them around my size. I run my fingers through my hair and I walk back out, the lights are off. He has managed to make a small bed in the floor and is laying on his back, his arms behind his head.

"Hey, don't you work for my dad on Mondays?" He asks, looking at me with his dark eyes and I feel weak for a second, but it passes as quickly as it came.

"Uh, yeah, but he told me not to come when I went over Saturday," I say and I nervously crawl into his bed. I still feel bad about him sleeping in he floor. It's his room, his bed, I should be in the floor. "How did you know that?"

He laughs silently to himself before answering me. "He told me I couldn't just run off his housekeeper. He also told me you're very sensitive and to be nice to you." He says.

I lay on my stomach, his pillow tucked under my chest for support, looking down at him. "I'm not sensitive." I argue. He looks over at me with raised eyebrows. "Okay, maybe a little. But, I try not to be." I mumble and he shrugs.

"You're failing," He says and chuckles. "Hey, since you're clearly in a vulnerable state, can I have your dogs? I'll be nice to you forever." He says and turns on his side.

I take a deep breath and sigh, shaking my head at his request. "No, they are my babies. We already went over this. Being vulnerable won't weaken my judgement." I say. His bed smells really good.

"Can I have part time custody?" He asks and I can't help but laugh.

"Why would you want that?" I ask him.

"Because I like them a lot. Douglas and I are eloping, so I figured I should at least ask before it happens." He says and I smile into the soft fabric of his pillow. I didn't realize how tired I actually was

"Wait until tomorrow, then ask again." I say and he looks super excited as he turns on his back again.

I am nearly asleep when I hear his voice again. "Hey, Emily?"

"Hmm." I mumble, not opening my eyes.

"Don't drool on my pillow." He says in a lower tone.

"Your pillow isn't worth my saliva, Calum. Goodnight." I say.

"Goodnight." He days with a small laugh.


I watch out the window as my mom's car pulls out of the driveway and Calum leads me down the stairs of his house. I stand in the doorway and I look back to him.

"Could you not tell anyone I was here?" I ask him and he frowns.

"Why?" He asks.

"I just want it to stay between us. I'd like Gorgy think I went home," I say. "Actually, I'd like them to think I died so they'd feel bad for eternity, like I walked all the way home."

"You want to guilt them?" He says and smirks. "That's evil. I like it."

"No, what is evil is stranding a small individual such as myself." I say and I begin to walk through the grass to my house. "So, shut your lips and keep quiet." I say and he snorts, going back inside.

I walk inside my house and go to my room. "Time to get ready." I say to Douglas, who is in my bed as I shut the bedroom door.

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