
As creepy as I know I am, and as creepy as I know it sounds. I'm so glad she forgot to close the blinds of her window. She is completely oblivious. Apparently all the years of living next to an empty house and not caring if your window is open, can lead to complications, an to simple enjoyments. I sit on my bed and she stands in front of her dresser, only in her underwear and her bra, a pink matching set. She has her phone held to her ear and she tosses things around until she finds what she wants. She hangs up on whoever she is speaking with and goes to unhook her bra and for a moment, I am frozen. Until the straps fall away.

I gasp and I quickly shut my blue curtains, leaving her that privacy, at least.

There is a knock on my door and I open it to see my mother. "Hey, what do you need?" I ask her.

"Ellis just told me you are going with Emily to the shelter? That's exciting, does that mean you are friends?" She asks and I scratch the back of my head.

"Uh, not yet. Still working on it." I mumble.

"That's wonderful baby," She says. "There is a barbeque Friday."

"And? Am I the main course of something? I know I'm delicious, but c'mon, mah." I say and she gives me a look.

"You could spend time with each other then, I really like her mother, make this work for me please?" She encourages me and I sigh.

"Mom, I love you, but I'll play nice with her soon enough, stop trying to force it. It'll make it worse, trust me." I say.

"Okay. Goodnight, I guess." She says, walking away and I shut my door.

I walk back to the window and peek out. She stands in her room with her arms crossed and Ashton stands in front if her. She wears a black skirt with a black long sleeve crop top.

"Holy hell." I mutter. She looks amazing in the outfit, but she does not look happy. I watch intently as they seem to argue with each other and suddenly her other friends are there, stepping between them. What could they be arguing about?

As they all go to leave, I grab my shoes and I follow.


"Ashton." I say and cross my arms. "I change my mind, I don't want to do this." I mutter nervously.

"Yes, because people will be staring you and blah blah. You're going to do this, you already signed up." He says and smiles. "You're gonna do great. Remember, free stuff!" He says excitedly and they push me toward the stage. Open Mic Night is tonight and Ashton signed me up for a singing contest. Any kind of song, for any amount of time. The winner gets everything free at the small Café for a year, second gets half a year. He was just using me to get the free stuff.

If I win, we will go back to Lyle's and hang out there. If not, the same plan is in action. I nervously wait for all the people to go. They are all good but some aren't as good, but we cheer for all of them the same. 

Once it is my time, I feel my heart beat quicken and I slowly walk toward the stage and I stand in front of the mic. "I'm Emily Chase." I say shyly. Ashton, Gorgy, Lyle cheer. I notice someone with their hood up walk toward them, two others following behind him. Oh no.

As the song starts and I start, I glare at them all. They all smile. Even Calum.

After am finished. I quickly walk down and Ashton walks over and smiles. "You totally won that shit, especially with the cute coffee shop song." He says excitedly.

"What're they doing here?" I ask, it doesn't sound rude, I'm just wondering. If anything, I'm freaked out.

"Just showed up. I didn't do it." He says and we walk over to them.

"Emily, I never knew you were a Goddess and all." Luke says.

"I'm not, just did it so Ashton could get the freebie card." I say and I feel my face begin to heat at the cheeky smile he gives me.

"But you sounded like one." He says. "What do you say, boys? I literally died when she began. I'm starting a fan club for you." He says.

"You guys can sing, how come you didn't?" I ask, reversing the subject.

"And miss you? No way." He says. "Calum called us." He says, nodding toward his friend. Calum only shrugs.

"Anyway, we are gonna stick around for the results, hit the liquor store and then go to Lyle's. Wanna come? What's more fun than a small wannabe party? There is a hot tub and a pool." I look at her and glare, she ignores me.

"Yes, how the hell are you getting it?" Michael asks. As they explain it, Lyle tells them how he has his fake ID and it helps that he looks older than he is, which is true.

Calum bumps his elbow to mine. "You're decent." He says softy with a small smile.

"Thanks." I say and smile. It made me feel a little better, hearing it come from him.

"You look hot, too. Didn't think you had the ability to not look like a trash can." He says and smirks. I flip him off, trying to hide my smile and Luke nudges him. Calum rolls his eyes. "I was kidding, don't get butt hurt."

"I'm not." I say and give him real smile, because apparently I hid it too well. He returns with a smile before walking on. The comment actually didn't bother me all that much, in fact, it made me feel good.

An hour or so later, the winners are announced. A guy who sang a smooth jazz song came in first, I came in second.

"I demand a recount!" Gorgy yells and everyone looks at her. I gasp and I kick her under the table. "Never mind!" She yells. She glares, like she can't believe I kicked her and I smile sweetly. I walk up, collecting my ticket and we leave.

"I never thought you'd be one to go partying, either." Calum says as we walk out.

"I'm not a person who does nothing with my life, Calum." I say and I get in Ashton's car.

My mom thinks I went to the competition, and then went to Gorgy's for the night. We do this from occasion. Of course I don't drink, I just go to dance and act my predictable age. I can't say that for them, though.

At the store, Lyle goes it and comes out ten minutes later. He is a pro at this and does it all the time. I sit in the back next to Ashton silently as they all get excited over the stupid party, all of my enthusiasm slowly draining away but I try to keep it.

Once we get there, Lyle and Gorgy set to work. Ashton, Luke and Michael mess around and I go out and sit on the old swing set in the backyard. I curl my arms around my waist and I grumble at the weather. It was supposed to be a warm night.

No one but Calum noticed I'm gone. He follows me and I inwardly roll my eyes as he sits next to me. I let my hands curl around the chains and I sigh, but I remain silent.

"You don't seem so thrilled about this. I thought you were?" He asks me.

"I actually quite tired." I say and shake my head.

"Busy day?" He asks.

"Yeah," I say and snort. "Busy day."

I shiver and he glances at me. "Are you cold?" He asks and me and I shrug.

"Eh." I mutter. He takes off his jacket and I think he is going to hand it to me, but instead he stands, putting it around me himself. 

"If you only wore a bit more clothes, yeah?" He says and I look down at my hands.

"Thanks pal. Ashton picked this. He said he thought it might help me win." I say sarcastically and he sighs.

"I was kidding, Emily." He says.

"I didn't get offended. Like I said, I'm tired." I say. Luke yells for him and he turns, looking back. He stands and begins to walk over. "Do you want your jacket?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"Keep it. You'll probably need it." He says.

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