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I walk into the school and the first person I meet is Whitney. With her height mixed in with the muscles from sports, it's safe to say I felt slightly intimidated. "Miss another meeting and you're gone. That was so irresponsible, is that the tone you want to set?" She says, acting like she truly cares, when we both know she doesn't. She just wants a reason to be a bitch to me.

"My mother was in the hospital." I state plainly.

"I don't care if you're the one dying, you signed up, better fucking be there or next time your little boyfriend won't be able to save you." She says and shoves past me and I stumble, catching myself on the wall. I scowl and I straighten my shirt out and walk on.

I find my friends and Ashton waves vigorously at me and runs over. "Hello, dear Emily. How is mom today, called yet?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I was gonna go see her later, where is Cal?" I ask, looking for the chocolate eyes I'd learned to love so immensely.

"He won't be here today, he isn't feeling up to it," Ashton says to my surprise. I hadn't realize they had gotten close. "He was gonna tell you himself, but now he is forced to spend the day with his mom. Can't exactly break away for a phone call around his mom, he said."

I am disappointed, since I hardly him at all Sunday because of myself, and now today. But, I keep high hopes in seeing him after school.

The first few hours until lunch drag on slowly and I hang out with everyone and we all seem to get along great. I learn that the four boys, Luke, Michael, Ashton, and Calum have indeed started a small garage band together and they all have failed to mention this to me.

"I thought you guys were kidding. Why did none of you tell me?" I scoff as I cross my arms.

"No, it's a legit thing. They first practiced Sunday morning." Lily says and I smile softly, trying to hide my hatred for myself for being a baby. I could have known about it, if I hadn't ignored him. I'm sure he was excited and wanted to tell me.

"Tell Michael Bromance isn't going to our the name. Tell him, Emily, you're the mom of the group." Luke was nudging me repeatedly with his elbow.

"Mikey, don't force the name on them, even if it is brilliant." I say and he beams at me.

"See, finally someone sees the potential. But, I was thinking... how about 5 Seconds of Summer?" He says. "You know, math does marvelous things to the brain."

"I like it." Ash says and nods.

"It's good." Luke says and nods. "Gonna tell Calum later, right? run it by The Terminator?" He asks Michael.

"Yeah, I'm staying at his tonight." He says and I feel all the good thoughts drain from my brain. I'm a moron.

I unlock my door and I let my mother in the house and she smiles. "Good to be home." She says and sighs. I stand close behind her in case she needs help.

"Need anything?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No love, you can go ahead. I think I'm gonna nap." She says and sits down on the couch and I see her worn expression settle.

"Okay." I say and I step back out the door, walking to the car she is allowing me to use. Off to work I go.

I've worked many places, volunteered, done odd jobs. Not because I can't hold a permanent, serious job, I just want to experience different things. Ashton and my mom told me being a housekeeper could be skipped on the list, but when I saw the number in the postal office, I figured I could give it a go. Why not, right? This is where I've been since then, cleaning and doing whatever is needed for David Hood. He'd been like a dad for me since day one.

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