The mobster

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Law 15 - crush your enemy totally. More is lost through stopping halfway than through total annihilation: The enemy will recover, and will seek revenge. Crush him, not only in body but in spirit.

Rising to the top was never easy and being a female made it 10 times harder. Sacrifices had to be made, people had to be killed and I even almost lost myself in the process. I had no choice but to destroy everything and everyone in my way. I came from nothing and now I lead the biggest mob in the United States and some would even argue , the biggest mob in the world. My blood , my sweat and my tears built this empire. I embody the true essence of rising from the depths. I've clawed my way up from sleeping on the streets to residing in grand mansions with an entourage of maids.

I never knew my parents, they left me with nothing but my name, Medusa Maxwell. I grew up moving from foster home to foster home and I joined the streets when I was 16. I had to do whatever I could to survive. I have no family and I don't need one. The Mob is my family.

The true leader of The Mob remains a mystery, known only to a select few within our ranks, along with my close allies. I've consciously embraced this concealed identity, believing it to be the key to my invincibility. In a world where anonymity shrouds my every move, tracking me becomes a near-impossible feat. After all, if you can't identify the enemy, you can't eliminate them. And if misguided assumptions lead to the elimination of one of my men, they'll be seamlessly replaced within the hour

In the criminal underworld, the assumption prevails that a man reigns at the helm of the mob. Given the predominantly male leadership within the gang culture, the mere notion of a woman amassing such power remains inconceivable. Thus, my true identity as Thee Mobster remains a well-guarded secret. I harness the power of absence to cultivate respect and honor; rarely do I attend meetings, negotiate deals, oversee shipments, or engage with fellow gang leaders. I refrain from getting my hands dirty unless it is a conscious choice on my part. This is precisely why I rely on my two trusted right-hand men, Samuel and David, to execute crucial tasks. At meetings, it is their faces you'll usually find, discreetly masking my true influence.

Just like any other mob, the foundation of our success relies on a well-defined hierarchy. There's the leader (me), supported by trusted right-hand men (Samuel and David), underbosses, members, and associates. The underbosses serve as the backbone, collaborating closely with my right-hand men. Their responsibilities span a wide spectrum, from ensuring the seamless arrival of our shipments to ruthlessly clearing any obstacles in our path. They're adept at the delicate art of money laundering, channeling illicit gains into legitimate businesses, and managing any critical tasks that demand attention.

Our members handle the more routine yet essential assignments, such as the distribution of drugs on these unforgiving streets, the illicit trade in narcotics and firearms, the operation of trap houses, and a range of similar tasks.

Lastly, we have our associates-unofficial members, aspiring gangsters eager to prove themselves. It's the members who dispatch the associates on missions that require a certain ruthlessness-eliminating threats, executing high-stakes heists, engaging in fraudulent activities, and various other deeds that thrive in the shadows. Associates aren't about this life , they'll do anything for a name in these streets so if I say kill, they will kill. It's a dog eats dog world and if that means I have to take advantage of people, I will.

In the beginning, caution was my constant companion, aware of the watchful eyes of the police. However, with the ascent to this formidable position of power, I've skillfully woven a web of influence that extends deep into the heart of authority. I hold sway over the majority of the Atlanta Police Department, and a select few within the FBI and CIA quietly dance to my tune in exchange for their monthly paychecks. It's astonishing how the world's moral fabric frays when the allure of wealth and power weaves its irresistible spell.

The Mob isn't confined to Atlanta alone; our reach extends across nearly every state and into multiple countries. Building this empire was a grueling journey that spanned seven years, marked by pain, forged connections, relentless hustle, and unwavering perseverance. I, a young Black woman, defied the odds to achieve all of this by the age of 23. As for matters of the heart, love is a realm I've chosen to forsake, with no desire or intention of entering.

Love ruins everything.

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