Final moments

39 3 1

2 months later

In a well-lit meeting room, the atmosphere was thick with tension as negotiations for the illicit arms deal were underway

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In a well-lit meeting room, the atmosphere was thick with tension as negotiations for the illicit arms deal were underway. I sat at the head of the table, flanked by Samuel and David. Among the other attendees were dangerous figures known as Viktor Dragov and Elena Vasiliev.

We've been planning this deal for months, it was about time, I thought to myself.

Victor leaned in, his voice low and composed, "The shipment will be delivered as agreed, but we need assurances."

I was sitting across from him as I nodded, "You'll have your guarantees, but remember, any complications will be met with severe consequences."

As the negotiations continued, my focus wavered for a moment. A sudden surge of discomfort rippled through me, and a realization struck like lightning. My water had broken. I was only 8 months pregnant.

I discreetly signaled to Samuel and David that we needed to leave. We couldn't let anyone at this meeting discover my condition. Samuel and I rose from our seats, and I addressed the group with a poker face that revealed nothing.

"I regret to inform you that urgent matters require my immediate attention," I said, my tone firm. "David will continue this meeting in my absence. We have a situation to resolve."

David nodded subtly, his composure matching ours, and the negotiations carried on as if nothing had happened. With a final nod, Samuel and I exited the room, leaving David to handle the arms deal on my behalf.

As the SUV sped through the city streets towards the hospital, I sat in the back seat with Samuel by my side. The urgency in the air was clear. Our driver expertly weaved through traffic, and I could feel the presence of two of my underbosses in the vehicle, their watchful eyes scanning the surroundings.

I loudly and urgently yelled "Samuel, it's fucking time. My water broke like like ten minutes ago."

Samuel responded quickly, "Don't worry, Medusa. We're almost there."

He leaned forward to speak to the driver, his tone urgent, "Faster, we don't have a moment to lose."

Simultaneously, Samuel began making calls, summoning more underbosses to the hospital. His phone conversation with them was quick and to the point, conveying the urgency of the situation and the need for their presence.

But then, he said "Medusa I'm gonna call Xavier. He should know."

"Xavier? Why the fuck would you tell him?" I disagreed

"Medusa, he's the fucking father whether we like it or not, he needs to know" he argued

"We are not talking about this right now" I grunted while in pain from contractions

As soon as we arrived at the hospital through a discreet back entrance, a team of nurses and the familiar face of Doctor Green, were there to greet us. Their efficiency was impressive, and they quickly ushered me into a hospital room.

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