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"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude as Zane courteously opened the car door for me, and I climbed inside

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"Thank you," I expressed my gratitude as Zane courteously opened the car door for me, and I climbed inside.

Zane happened to be my favorite underboss, and I couldn't deny it.

A few seconds later, Zane, David, and Samuel also joined me in the car.

"Where's Larry?" I inquired, referring to our usual driver.

"You know those Russians, they can be paranoid as hell. They don't want anyone they don't know coming over," Zane replied.

"Man, they're such drama queens," Samuel grumbled.

"Well, if only four of us are going, then I expect only four of them over there," I voiced my annoyance.

"Nah, we've got a few other underbosses heading over in a separate car, just like the Russians. But we agreed to keep the meeting small," David explained.

I was grateful that David handled all our meeting logistics because it would be a real headache if I had to figure out who, what, and where for these gatherings.

1 hour later

"Damn, where the hell is this guy making us meet him? We've been in this damn car for what feels like a hundred hours," Samuel complained, his frustration evident.

"On his private landing strip. Medusa, you'll be meeting him inside his jet," David informed us.

"Alright, will it just be me and him, or is anyone else joining?" I inquired, seeking some clarity from David.

"He'll have one of his men with him, so I told Zane to accompany you," David responded.

I wasn't entirely sure why he chose Zane over coming himself, but I didn't have any objections.

"Alright," I replied, and I could see Zane's smirk in the rearview mirror.

This was getting interesting.

We finally arrived, and as we pulled up to the scene, two Russian men stood guard at the jet's entrance, visibly armed with assault rifles

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We finally arrived, and as we pulled up to the scene, two Russian men stood guard at the jet's entrance, visibly armed with assault rifles.

We all exited the car, and I noticed the other underbosses arriving in the second vehicle. David gestured for them to stay in the car.

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