Business as usual

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Thursday 3rd January 2022
My life was never easy. I didn't always have men to do the dirty work. To rise to the top, you have to start alone. I had to kill infamous gang leaders, sell drugs, fight, sleep on the streets, and steal all on my own.

Nowadays I relax in my mansions and mainly head into important meetings with other powerful allies. I don't play with my money and if somebody gets in the way of my money, I'll have to get involved and the last face they'll see is the mobster's.

Today was just another basic day at one of my houses

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Today was just another basic day at one of my houses.

"Here's your drinks darling" my maid Priscilla said as she handed me two glasses of sparkling champagne.

I expressed my gratitude and set one of the drinks aside, taking a sip from the other. Trust didn't come easily to me, but Priscilla was an exception, more like a mother figure than a mere confidante.

Last year, on her 60th birthday, I'd attempted to gift her five million as a retirement gesture, but she had steadfastly declined. I remained committed to ensuring her safety and well-being, but there were times when my absence left me powerless. That's precisely why I'd arranged for a 24/7 security team to reside in the house, vigilant protectors in my stead when I couldn't be there.

Life had been relatively peaceful lately, but a few concerns gnawed at the edges of my thoughts. Just a few days ago, my crew had managed to secure someone who'd been on my hit list for a while. In response, I decided to make a personal visit to our main warehouse to deal with this individual-I've never been one to tolerate competition.

However, my current worries extend beyond that episode. During my visit to the main warehouse, I couldn't help but overhear some of my underbosses chatting about a fresh gang making moves in our territory and causing a ruckus with our money-related businesses. Initially, I refrained from probing deeper, assuming they had matters in hand. But my instincts, my trusty gut feeling, tells me otherwise. There's something more to this, and it's time to consult with David and Samuel.

Medusa: I need your immediate attention.
Samuel: Should we arrange a meeting?
Medusa: Yes, as soon as possible.
David: Which location are you presently at?
Medusa: I'm at the primary residence.

David and Samuel, they're more than friends to me; I'd go as far as calling them my brothers. The trust I have in them runs deeper than words can express. We share a common origin story, all of us navigating the rough streets from a young age with a singular aspiration-to climb to the summit of our world.

I first crossed paths with them when I was just seventeen, at a pivotal moment when our lives converged. We were all pursuing the same target, a notorious gang leader who'd earned our collective ire. Fate placed me at the scene first, standing over the lifeless body of our common foe. One of them, I can't recall which, voiced their surprise, saying, "Damn, girl, you took him down all by yourself?"

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