Falling for you

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I woke up surprisingly early , probably from the pounding headache I had

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I woke up surprisingly early , probably from the pounding headache I had. I'm glad I woke up early though, cause if you wake up late on trips you waste the whole damn day.
Xavier's arm was still around my neck.

"Move your heavy arm" I basically yelled but he was still asleep so there was only one option left , I raised my arm and slapped the shit outta him.

"What the fuck Medusa?!" He yelled and I busted out laughing

"Don't blame me , your arm is still around my neck how else was I gonna move it?" I said while laughing

"Yeah now you're never getting out of this headlock" he said as he gently tightened his arm around my neck but I could still breathe

"You have 5 seconds before you get beat the fuck up" I said but he still didn't let go. So I bit his arm.

"What the fuck , are you an animal now?" He yelled as he let go of me

"HAHAHAHAHA I told you" I yelled in a fit of laughter

"Anyways my head hurts so bad so I'm going to go shower" I told him

"I'm coming" he said eagerly

"Who said your invited?" I laughed

"I did, I'll help you get rid of that headache" He said as he got off the bed and we both headed into the shower.

30 minutes later

Let's just say that was a very GOOD shower if you know what I mean..

I wonder what David , Samuel , Priscilla and everyone else are doing right now. They probably have everything under control so I'm not even going to worry.

"I should be showering wit you more ma" Xavier said as he came in the bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He was soaking wet with water, wonderful sight to see if you ask me..

"Hmm maybe" I said as I put my green bikini on

"You looked better with the bikini off"

"You're not slick" I laughed

"Come ma let's eat breakfast" he said as he held my hand and led me out the room.

I wonder what we're gonna eat and who cooked

I wonder what we're gonna eat and who cooked

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