The truth always comes out

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For the past 3 months I've been running the mob and seeing Xavier frequently. I couldn't lie, it was exhausting living a double life and sometimes I feel like Xavier would be suspicious of certain things I'd do.
If he found a gun of mine laying around somewhere he would question me for so long about it. 
Other than that, me and him have been closer than ever.

Regarding the mob, we initiated the drug transportation to Russia a week after our conversation with Dimitri. At present, 75% of the shipment has been successfully delivered, leaving us with the final 25% to transport. The mob has exhibited tremendous dedication in facilitating this operation, and, as an expression of our appreciation, we've been handsomely compensating all the individuals involved.

I anticipate a forthcoming meeting with Dimitri, although we have yet to finalize a specific date.

I anticipate a forthcoming meeting with Dimitri, although we have yet to finalize a specific date

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I was at the hospital today , waiting for my monthly check up since my coma. Doctor Green had to do monthly check ups and run tests to see if I was recovering well.

"Good afternoon Medusa" Doctor Green welcomed me

"Good afternoon Doctor Green" I said back to him

"Just the usual tests like last month, we need to test your urine, blood pressure, heart rate, and a few more tests on your brain to see how everything is going." He informed me

1 hour later

We finished running tests and he came back to update me. "We'll everything's been running smoothly and I'm sure you know about everything else so I have nothing to update you about" he told me

"Know about what?" I asked


I went back to my apartment in the city because Xavier was coming soon

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I went back to my apartment in the city because Xavier was coming soon. I was just planning to ignore what the doctor told me until I was ready to come to terms with it.

I heard a knock on the door and I said "You know you can walk right in? You ain't gotta knock right?"

"Hey ma you look fine as hell" Xavier said as he walked in

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