Gender reveal

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As I walked into the doctor's office, Doctor Green greeted me, "Hello Medusa, great to see you here!"

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As I walked into the doctor's office, Doctor Green greeted me, "Hello Medusa, great to see you here!"

"Hello Doctor Green" I greeted him back

"So let's get right into it, would you like to know the gender of your child now or would you like for it to be a surprise?" He asked

The life I live doesn't allow for surprises, hell, I don't even like surprises myself.

"Just let me know now thanks" I responded

He reached for a folded piece of paper sitting on his desk and handed it to me. Honestly the gender did not matter to me, I'd love my child regardless.
I unfolded the paper and there it was..

"A boy!" I burst into a chorus of cheers and joy

"Congratulations Medusa, you have a son on the way!" Doctor Green congratulated me

I was excited but that excitement was followed by a train of deep thought. I no longer was going to be living for myself but for my son. No more risks made directly from me.

"I have a question, when does it become dangerous for me to fly on planes?" I asked

"Right now you're around 24 weeks, it becomes dangerous at 36 weeks" he informed me

"Alright good to know" I thanked him

1 hour later

As I walked back inside my house, I saw Samuel sitting on the couch, with David sitting next to me while he was reading through some paperwork

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As I walked back inside my house, I saw Samuel sitting on the couch, with David sitting next to me while he was reading through some paperwork.

"It's a girl isn't it?" Samuel asked as he saw me enter

"Definitely" David agreed

So confident yet so wrong, I laughed to myself.

"What's funny? We're right ain't we?" Samuel asked

"It's a boy" I laughed

"I KNEW IT!" Samuel jumped in delight

"Man you ain't know shit" David laughed at him
"So what are you going to name him?" David asked me

"I'm not sure yet, I'm not thinking about that right now" I responded

"Samuels a good name" Samuel said audaciously

"That is the last thing I would name my child!!" I slightly yelled

"Hey what's wrong with Samuel?" He asked

"A lot of things" David insulted him


"You said that to her??? Are you stupid? That's your child regardless nigga!" Zion yelled at me

"Man you should make a living outta this shit cause all you do is scream" I told him

"I wanna be an uncle what's wrong with that?" He asked in defence

"I don't think Medusa would even let you see that child" I laughed

"Man why not?" He asked

"Because she's Medusa, and you're, well, you" I laughed even harder

"What's that supposed to mean??" He said in shock

"Man whatever. Anyways, we got some business to handle, call our guys over to the warehouse and we'll go over some shit in a few hours" I informed Zion

"Cool" he agreed

"I'm about to head over to my mom's house right now, I'll see you later though" I told him

1 hour later

"Hey Xavier!" My little sister Rose yelled as she leaped onto me in a hug

"Hey sis how you been?" I asked as I closed the door and walked in

"Good!" She smiled

"Hey Xavier" My mom greeted me as she hugged me

"Hey Mom how's everything ?" I asked

"Everything's fine, don't forget Rose's birthday is next week though" she reminded me as I sat on the couch

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, what should I buy her?" I asked

"Remember don't go overboard , we do not want to spoil her, she already has enough" she said

"No I don't!" Rose disagreed

"Yes you do" My mom responded

"Anyways Xavier, how's Medusa?" Rose asked

"How do you even remember her name?" I asked in annoyance

"Good question rose, how is that young lady?" My mom asked me

"She's fine" I plainly replied

"Fine? Just fine? Bring her over here sometime" my mom said

"Yeah bring her here!" Rose agreed

"Xavier what's wrong? Why such a gloomy face?" My mom asked

"Oh nah nothing ma, it's all good" I assured her

"Xavier I can see it in your face, you better start talking now" she said in a stern voice

"We broke up alright" I finally admitted

"What?! Why?" My mom asked in a shocked tone

"It's a long story, we just didn't see eye to eye" I told her

"There's something else, I can see it in your face Xavier" she said

"Mom don't push it" I tried to argue

"Xavier don't even" she argued back

"Mom please just leave it" I fought

"No, tell me what it is" she persisted

"She's pregnant" I finally gave in

Immediately regretting what I told her

"WHAT? Pregnant and you broke up?!!!" She yelled in shock

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