No way

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I immediately looked in her direction and it was actually her speaking.

"Ain't no way y'all niggas argued her ass back to consciousness" I said to everyone in the room, shocked and surprised.

"MEDUSA" Xavier said limping on his way up and walking to her bed

"Welcome back lil sis" Samuel said as he tried to dap her up

"Does it look like I can move my fuckin shoulder ?" Medusa said sarcastically to Samuel

"Go get the doctor I think the medicine they gave her turned her in to some anger issue ass monster" Samuel told me

"Nigga if y'all acted like civilised people and ain't fight in my fuckin room maybe I'd be happy" Medusa complained

Xavier walked out to get doctor Green.

"Woah woah woah how did you guys manage to wake her up like you planned to, Medusa how do you feel? We need to run a few tests to see if your brain is damaged or not" Doctor Green asked curiously

"I feel fine" she responded

"We actually woke her up on accident, these two animals were arguing and some how she woke up" I told doctor Green

"Ok anyways Xavier can you leave we need to talk to Medusa" Samuel told Xavier

"I'm not doing this shit again shut the fuck up" Xavier responded to Samuel

"All of you need to leave so I can run a few tests actually" doctor Green said and we all walked out


"Medusa, now that it's just me and you, you can freely answer these questions." Doctor Green started to say

I don't know why he's making it seem like he's gonna ask me some deep life changing questions. Man I just woke up I don't have time for this.

"Cool" I replied

"How are you feeling? I would expect some headaches or dizziness from the coma. And I'd anticipate your arm, leg, and shoulder to ache from the bullet wounds. I'll also need to run a few tests to assess your overall condition, including blood pressure, heart rate, and other vital signs," the doctor inquired.

"My head is fine; it's mainly my shoulder and the other areas where the bullets hit. After the tests, can I be released?" I inquired.

"Slow down, Medusa," Doctor Green chuckled. "You can't be discharged for at least another week, and that's the minimum. We need to keep a close eye on you. A coma isn't something to be taken lightly," he explained.

I sighed internally, knowing the importance of my role in the mob.

"Alright, fine. Just run the tests, and once you're done, I need to speak to Xavier," I informed him.

And with that, he began the testing.

30 minutes later :

"Okay, so everything appears normal for now, but it wouldn't be surprising if things worsened or if you suddenly experienced a headache or migraine. That's why we'll be closely monitoring your condition," Doctor Green informed me.

I resigned myself to the situation since there was no point in trying to leave.

"Thank you, Doctor Green," I expressed my gratitude.

"Xavier and David went to the level below us to get something from the vending machine, but I'll call Xavier in here now," he informed me.

"Sure, and by the way, why don't we have a vending machine in my ward? How much does one cost?" I inquired.

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